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A/N: Madison and any children she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Aimee sighed as she sat in the hallway. She and fletch were attending a scan and Aimee was nervous. Aimee looked to fletch and smiled

"I'm nervous" Aimee said as he smiled

"it's okay. Your allowed to be it's our first baby together but this one is going to be fine" he said as she looked to him and smiled.

Aimee knew that neither of them planned n having a baby yet and her getting pregnant and Aimee knew it was a shock but she was glad that they were having this baby as she loved him and she knew that they were both excited to have this baby

"Aimee de Luca" a nurse called as Aimee sighed as she stood up and walked into the room, Aimee sat on the bed and sighed as fletch took a hold of her hand and smiled as they started to do the scan

"is everything okay" Aimee asked.

"yes your baby is very healthy heartbeat and everything seems to be in good order. Would you like to know the sex" she asked as fletch took a hold of her hand and smiled.


"it's looks like your having a baby girl" she said as Aimee smiled


"our Gracie"
Aimee stood on the ward and looked to see her best friend Madison as she walked over to her and smiled

"how did it go" Madison asked as Aimee looked to her and smiled

"it was good, it's a girl"

"so are we sticking with Gracie" Madison asked as Aimee smiled

"we are. I just, I'm happy I am but fletch is being off since the scan and I can't help but worry over it and what's going on" Aimee said as Madison looked to her and smiled

"you don't need to worry he's probably up to something a surprise or a something. You don't need to worry we all know that fletch loves you" Madison said as Aimee looked to her and smiled.

She knew that Madison was probably right but part of her was always worried. Everything was so good right now and she didn't think that it would all stay that way.

She knew that things with her were never simple and she only hoped that they would stay simple as she knew that she and fletch were starting a family and how she wanted it to be okay

"I guess your right I'm just scared" Aimee said as madison smiled

"I know but it will be okay" Madison said

Aimee lay in bed next to fletch as they had sex. He pulled her close and kissed her and smiled as he looked to her

"are you okay" he asked as she smiled

"I'm fine Im Just thinking over us and our baby" she said as fletch looked to her and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"I know its hard but it is going to be okay. I'm here and everything will be fine I promise" he said as he leant in and kissed her, Aimee more how scared that she felt that everything's as going to do wrong

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