Chapter 4

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“ Demons are heartless beings I despise the most, why do you ask? Because they do nothing but kill anyone who stands in their way, they have show no mercy to anyone, they feel no pity to us humanity. I don't believe in good demon, no demon is good. I don't forgive them or trust them, I kill them ”
~ Sanemi


She didn't like coming back here, why do you ask? Them...

She became a demon slayer to avenge her fallen love ones who died infront of her and it still give her nightmares. She would often just kill a demon than sleep, she hides her pain infront of her new family but they knew it was fake.

She smile..... To hide...

She cares for others..... But doesn't care about herself...

She feels happiness with them..... The thing that kept her from insane...

The Hashiras are like a sibling figure to her......... But she knew they'll die to give their lives for humanity one day too....

It was like a song she heard from a little villager that made her thought about it what the song meant. And she knew the song resembles her....

‘ She's imperfect.... but she Tries’

She knew she couldn't be her happy old self anymore, she just feels emptiness. As she looked at her comrades eyes she soon closed her eyes and soon opened it and made it sparkle and act like she missed them, which she didn't

“ Ara Ara, it's a pleasure to see you all again! ” she stated as she clasped her hands together. Naruto didn't hesitate he ran UpTo his long lost best friend and hugged her like she was brought back from the dead.

‘ She is Good........ But she Lies ’

She saw everyone was happy to see her and she was glad but 4 people didn't believe she was indeed glad. They knew her to well, they soon put on a mask to hide their worries but still they always keep hearing her murmuring her fallen students name.

Kabane soon clenched his fist remembering her sister Fawn and the brooding lazy ass himself Shiro, he knew that Sakura kept blaming their death was her fault she couldn't heal them faster. He was tired, the 5 of them already moved on with their fallen friends death but she haven't. They we're tired and hurt to see her in pain but yet she didn't asked for their help neither.

She is Hard..... On herself ’

Yet she still train even if she's weak and tired, she still fights even if she was injured. Yet they know she'll only stop once she avenge them...

She hates demon more than anyone along with the Wind Hashira himself, they lost they're loves because of them. When she met Nezuko she felt the urge to kill her but she knew she can't.

She never trust Demon's nor does she believes in good one. They keep wandering when will they're sister feel love and soon knows how to move on.

They sighed as they just got back from reality and saw the Raikage laughing that demons we're real. Soon Sakura said “ Ara Ara, then Raikage-sama if you don't believe in such things why don't you and the rest of the kages show me that demons aren't really real. Tonight since demons don't appear at night why don't you prove to me that there not real. I'll wait for you're decision at sunrise ”

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