part 10!!

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You scrambled down to the basement where Chris resided, he had created quite the machine it seemed to almost be finished.
" Chris!" You called out, causing him to jump and sigh.
"(Y/n)." He said back continue to modify his device.
" Heisenberg asked me to grab you.. and before you get huffy puffy, no I didn't tell him you where down here." You say watching his face change expression as you spoke to him.
Chris sighed and whined his hands off on his pants, he hooked his gun to his hip and stepped over to follow you up. You smiled at him happily and rushed up arriving just in time to intersect Ethan and Heisenberg talking, Ethan being pretty aggressive, then again who could blame him.
He saw you and froze, " (y/n), Your alive? I was afraid a lycan got you.." he mumbled.
You shook your head and rushed over to Heisenberg with Chris on your tail, Ethan freezing at the sight of his old friend as well. You grabbed Karl's arm and nuzzled against it making him smile a little.
Chris nodded with a grunt at ethan, then suddenly ethan lunged at Chris, " Your a fucking asshole you know that." He snarled as he hugged Chris tightly. Chris chuckled and hugged back. You and Karl let them have their moment before placing a hand on ethans shoulder.
" Ethan we want to help take down Miranda and get you yoyr daughter back ok?" You said softly with a large smile. " Heisenberg has whole army that we've been working on. And Chris has a fucking Tank. " You giggled.

Ethan pulled away from Chris and looked at you, " If your willing to help.. then I'll gladly except it.. as much as I'd like to do this alone, I don't think I can. " he said standing next to Chris, his blonde hair dirty and cruated with fish goo. You nod and grab his hand with a big smile.
"Lets get your daughter back ethan." You say Heisenberg slightly glaring but nodding as you said that.

That's when planing came into fruition, you where so happy to have Chris here for this. He was a quick thinker and immediately came up with the perfect plan. That involved all of you, and killing the megamycete. You where 100% down, though Karl was a little apprehensive about you joining in, he just wanted you to wait on the helicopter that Chris said would be there. Which you argues with him about until he gave in and said that you could be apart of the plan.
Your role was lure out Amanda with taunts of calling her a bad mother, all of  you knew that was her week spot. She didn't want to be a bad mother. You where terrified you where gonna be taunting Miranda but it also was satisfying that you would get a chance to do so, all your life people told you, worship her, don't disrespect her. But then she desicrated your whole village. Which angered you to a high extent so this was definitely some type of pay back.
Back to the plan, you where supposed to lure her out, Heisenberg was supposed to unleash his army, while Chris got his team, and Ethan attempted to fight Miranda as you joined up with Heisenberg. It wasn't the best planned but it had potential and thats all that mattered.
You all decided getting a night's rest would be best before going threw with the plan. So you all slept, while tried at least, all of you where restless for the day ahead and apprehensive about going threw with it.


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