pack house

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I'm trying to slow my breath but its hard with a werewolf on top of me after I'm done I'm surprise I am all of the sudden calm then he tell me "you don't have to worry I'm a good guy "he says "why did you kill someone who was a werewolf for me "I ask "three reason first he was on my packs land and second he was trying to rape a girl and third "he takes a deep breath nervously and says "have u- ill tell you later first there are a lot of people who have been waiting to meet u"as if on cue a little boy with brown hair and blue eyes comes running in the room screaming "jake"jakes says "is everyone here " the boy say yes and then he runs out of the room


I watched as jason runs out of the room then I stand and I hold out my hand to kayla "come on let's go kayla so you can meet everyone I see the hesitation in her eyes but she does come with me when we fet downstairs almost half the packs there the other are out on proton or out of state so I start to introduce everyone "this is james my second in james and his mate may"so after I introduce kalya to everyone she starts to fall asleep I bring her up to my room and I have her change and she falls asleep in my arms

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