Liam Imagine

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Liam Imagine Abby

You have been dating Liam for more the 3 years, you loved him with all your heart, but you still haven’t told him. Your afraid of falling in love, even though you already have, you just don’t like to show your feelings, he’s been so busy working a song, he still hasn’t let you hear it.. "LLLiiiaaaammm, why can’t i just listen to a little part of it??" you wine, hopping he’ll cave "No Abby, you can’t hear it until we’re done" he says. He didn’t cave.. "fine" you pout. "babe will make you feel better if i told you its about you?" he says "NO! it makes me want to hear it even more, c’mon Li just sing me a little part of it??" he caves, you knew he would "okay so this is one line of the song zayn sings it she likes the way we kiss in the dark" he sings.." "thats all i get? thats tease, your a tease liam" you sit back and cross your arms. ‘i know babe" he says giving you a cheeky grin "but you can hear it tomorrow okay?" he says again "really?!" you jump up "yeah only if we finish tomorrow, okay" he says "deal!" you say and run and give him a hug. he gives you a kiss on your forehead "see you tonight babe" he closes the door, you keep repeating that line that Liam sung to you, you got more and more excited you decided you were gonna make dinner for him, but you weren’t the greatest cook and you were in the mood for nando’s so you ordered take out, you got back and picked up, it was around 9 when Liam walked in the door "Abby!" he yelled "im home" "in here" you chimed in you had the food spread out on the table in front of the couch. "awww you got nando’s" he says "thanks babe" "okay so can we watch a scary movie?" you ask him. waiting for a response you turned on the t.v "yeah, babe i’m fine with that" you guys eat and watch the movie "no don’t go in there he's in there watch out!" you screech out the last part, Liam giggles "its not funny" laughing yourself "how about we head to bed? remember your heading to the studio with me tomorrow, and we have to get there early." she said "okay!" you said shutting off the t.v you guys go to sleep, you fall asleep to Liam's heart beat, and wake up to him shaking our shoulder "i forgot, how hard of a sleeper you are" he says as you sit up and streach, "yeah, yeah i know" you got in the shower and got out and got dressed:

it was Liam's favorite dress, you put your hair in a fish tale braid and hoped in the care for the 10 minuet drive to the studio, "okay babe wait in hear and we’ll be in there singing in about 5 minuets, love you" he said walking out. You didn’t respond, you never did. you sat there staring through the glass. you saw harry enter on the other side of it, then louis, zayn, liam, and niall "hey Abby!" the boys yelled. and you waved back. harry starts to sing

"She sneaks out in the middle of the night Tight dress with the top cut low She’s addicted to feeling of letting go, letting go"

then louis

"She walks in and the room just lights up But she don’t want anyone to know That I’m the only one that gets to take her home, take her home"

and so on, then Zayn starts to sing and something catches your eye. the line liam sang to you

"She’s not afraid of all the attention She’s not afraid of running wild How come she’s so afraid of falling in love? She’s not afraid of scary movies She likes the way we kiss in the dark But she’s so afraid of f-f-falling in love, ooohhh!"

you freeze there singing basically about you and Liam you sit there mouth agape, you run to the bath room crying "babe, whats wrong did you not like it?" he said "no Liam, i l-loved it" you said in between sobs "well babe, come out here, whats wrong?"

"Liam i’m sorry" you whisper droping on your knees head in hands

"for what?" he says getting on the floor with you

"i never told you" you continue

"Abby, Your not making any sense"

"Liam, i never told you how much you mean to mean" you broke down you never thought you could cry so much, you tried to the strong for so long, and now you just broke.

"shhhh" is all Liam said he picked you up and you both went home he got you out of your dress and into pajama’s you were calming down.

"Liam." you started "do you love me?" you ask looking at the floor

Liam grabs your hands "Abby, of caurse i do, do you really think i would be with you for almost 4 years if i didn’t?" he says holding you into a tight hug.

"no you wouldn’t" you say while Liam wipes tear away from under your eyes.

"but how can you love someone that has never told you they love you back?"

you continue.

"babe, i know your afraid of falling in love, just like the song says. but i want you to know that if you fall I’m always going to be here to catch you" he says making you look at him "Abby, you are my world, you mean everything to me, i don’t know what i would do without you. I love you with all my heart, you don’t have to say it back to me, aslong as i’m with you, i’m happy, i don’t need to hear ‘i love you’ from you, because i know you do" liam finish he kisses you hard and passionate, he’s never kissed you like this before, you didn’t want it to end, but you pulled away "Li" you start "yeah Abby?" he says, you stare strait into his light brown eyes making you melt "thank you for making me feel like a princess" you kiss his forhead "thank you for loving me" you kiss his noise. "you are my world" you kiss his cheek, "and i love you" you kiss him hard and passionate. You just told the man you love how you felt, he pulled back smiling at you. you snuggled under the blanket falling asleep in Liams arms

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