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The warm summer breeze brushed lovingly over my face. The shade of a tree was keeping the sun's rays at bay, and Mrs. O'Liery's soft fur was pressed against my back. I was staring at the sky, thinking, as the large Hellhound slept.

A snap of a twig jerked me from listlessness. Peering my head in that general direction, I was met with the bottom of a horse. "Hey Chiron," I greeted, looking up to meet his soft brown eyes.

"Hello Percy. I hate to interrupt, but could you join me at the Big House?" He asked, lightly swaying his tail. Dam. That was bad news. Chiron only flicked his tail when trouble arose.

Taking care not to wake Mrs. O'Liery, I walked after Chiron. The soft crunch of the grass and the twittering of birds followed me through camp. Soon, the cabins came into view. Campers shouted and laughed, but at the site of me an eerie hush fell over the land.

A large, blue house came into view. I walked through the familiar doorway, listening to the sound of hooves on wood. "Percy—" started Chiron, turning towards me as we entered his office, "—please sit. I'm afraid I have some bad news." Called it.

"Percy, you're needed for another war."

The effects were immediate. I clenched my fists as my expression hardened. I didn't need a mirror to know my eyes grew cold as well. "Who are we fighting?" I asked. I'd already given seventeen years of my life to violence and suffering, what's a few more?

Chiron's brief relief at my acceptance soon faded to annoyance. "We don't know." he answered. I tilted my head in confusion. "Who's we?" I asked, my eyebrows slightly furrowing. "Well, we is myself and the good guys." he explained.

"And who would they be?" I inquired. "They include you, and most like you." Ok, now I was really confused. "You mean the demigods?" I suggested. He shook his head.

"No, Percy. I mean wizards."

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