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Back in The Box, Hermione and I set up the study. All of the books went on the bookshelves, and I sat the cauldron on the desk. Lena's perch went on my dresser, and I opened all the doors for her to fly freely through the house.

Remembering something, I called to Hermione. "Hey, do you know what these clamps are for?" I said, pointing inside the training room. "Oh, that's where you would put a broomstick." I gave her a look. "We fly on them." she added.

Of course.

It was late, so with a wave, Hermione left. Changing into pajamas, I ate a bowl of dry cereal(again).

Heading to bed, I laid down and fell asleep.

At work, I finished vacuuming the floor. After that, I dusted all of the trinkets. I lost count of how many times I sneezed. Five hours passed, and the shop looked brand new.

Heading into the back room(which held a wooden desk and piles of papers), I saw Tiffany sitting in a chair. "Tiff, I think I'm going to leave early. I have to go shopping." I said with a shiver. She chuckled,"That's fine Percy. Lock up behind you!"

Walking out of the shop, I heard a low hiss. Reaching for my back pocket, I grabbed my pen. Slowly walking towards the noise(which was coming from a dark alley. Of course.), I uncapped riptide. Turning into the alley, I prepared myself for a hellhound or a dracaena. What I didn't expect, was a kitten. It was filthy, with cuts and bruises decorating its starved body.

I capped Riptide, slowly approaching the feline. It started backing up, intent on running away. I got down on my knees, slowly sliding my hand towards it.

The kitten looked up at me, slowly taking a step forward. Suddenly a crow squawked, scaring the cat. It regressed into the shadows before I could blink.

Sighing, I got up, heading back into the streets.

Three blocks away, a grocery store named 'Tesco' came into view (Apparently they're like Walmart).
I grabbed everything I needed, and as an afterthought, some cat food.

On my way home, I passed the alley where the cat was. Opening the cat food, I poured some into a bowl and set it down.

When I opened the box door, Lena immediately flew to greet me. I scratched her head, then headed towards the kitchen.

After dinner, I went to sleep.

Then next day, on my way to Tiffany's, I walked by the alley. The food was gone. Grabbing the bag of cat food, I emptied it in the bowl and carried on.

The inside of Tiffany's shop was clean, leaving me with the outside. Grabbing windex and a rag, I started on the windows. Halfway through the first window, I heard someone approaching.

I turned around, only to find a girl looking straight at me. She was about my age, and seemed to be frozen to the spot. Suddenly, she whipped out her phone and took a picture.

She giggled and ran away, muttering something about Alex and Target? Must me about the store front or something.

I finished the windows, throwing the dirty rag into a water bucket. Suddenly, the clack of nails against concrete sounded. Turning around, I was met with the sight of a very angry harpy, lunging towards me.

I quickly grabbed Riptide, uncapping it and slicing downwards. One of her wings dropped to the ground, leaving a very angry pigeon lady. She snapped at me, determined to hurt me in any way she could. Her gnarled beak shrieked in agony, beady eyes glaring.

And then she was gone. Her body crumbled into monster dust, coating the surrounding area. The only evidence of her being there was a mangled wing. I cursed slightly, realizing the dust had covered the left window.

With a sigh, I picked up the rag and started again. Unfortunately, monster dust is harder to scrub off then mold.

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