The Rumor!

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***Thats Amber***
I was sitting on my bed listing to my favorite song, when Chloe started texting me.
How the text went**
Chloe: Hey!
Me: Hi😄, What r u doing?
Chloe: Nothing really, Guess what?
Chloe: Amber spread this horrible rumor about you!
Me: Omg! What was the rumor?
Chloe: That U have a horrible skin disease and no one should talk to u or even touch U! 😥
Me: WHAT?!?, Ugh I HATE Amber! Now no one will even get near me!
Chloe: Don't worry, she dose not have any proof so it's just her word against yours, so we will just tell everyone
It's not true.
Me: THX Chloe, I gtg It's time for bed, Ugh
Chloe: K I'll talk to u tomorrow!
Me: K Cya 😉

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