Part 1

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Rhea sat there, watching the waves rise and fall. A gloomy expression shone deep on her face. She took another deep breath, inhaling the smoke from her sweet cigarette. The buzz felt good, a much needed relaxant after dealing with such a troubling day. Dealing with all the airports and deathly traffic was such an exhausting task for the small town Pennsylvanian girl. All of this trouble just to get away from her family for a couple of days. She took another deep breath, letting the buzz set in more. She really didn't want to be thinking about them right now. She trained her blue saucers back on the falling waves, wanting to forget all about her past, even if it was for a little while.

Rhea had been planning this trip for a while now. She needed a break from everything and everyone. The stress the Full Moon Society continued to place on her shoulders was beginning to take its toll. So, that's why she decided on coming here, to this cruise ship. All to let off some much needed stress that had been building up the past two hundred years.

Tonight was a black tie party. It was the first time Rhea had been excited in a long, long time. In all her time, she had never met anyone. It just was not in her best interest to hook up with her beloved and settle down. She just had too much responsibility. She was responsible for protecting and watching over Aracas as he slept under her family's grounds. Protecting what would be considered priceless to the Fully Moon Society, caused her to shy away from any type of romantic feelings. But now, she was willing to give it a shot. With one more deep breath, relishing in the buzz, Rhea put the sweet cigarette out on her palm and walked back to her room.

It only took a little while for her to be fully ready. It was a slim fitting black dress, cut low and hugging her curves in all the right places. She looked in the mirror, inspecting her figure. This would surely attract my mate, right? She thought to herself as she scanned her body. She eventually gave in and went with it. Next was make-up. Rhea had never been all that big into make-up, especially with how her brother, Raven, would treat her when she used it. Why the hell are you thinking about that bastard! Rhea shouted at herself. she shook her head, trying to get rid of such thoughts. Raven was nothing but a disowned rogue with no place in this world. He renounced his own species and that to Rhea made him worth less than dirt. In the end, she decided to only go with some simple eyeshadow and lip gloss.

The halls were long. Rhea had already explored all around this morning but it was still impossible to know exactly where you were. She decided that following the crowd would be the safest choice. That gut feeling was correct. It was a beautiful place. Decorated in this elegant white and black decor and crystals. It was a sight to behold. Though, it wasn't only the decorations that were beautiful. Everyone in the theatre was dressed with the utmost extravagance. Rhea took a long sniff of the air. There are other wolves here. She noted. This wasn't exactly an uncommon occurrence. They were most likely here for the same reason Rhea found herself on this boat. A mate. They want their beloved and are desperate to find them. Rhea couldn't blame them, that's for sure. She had been without a lover for centuries at this point, and it was driving her insane to say the least.

All the wolves were grouped together. It was a group of five men and three women. They seemed to be getting along quite well, chatting and laughing together. Then, they all shut up, going completely still. Rhea knew exactly what was going on. They smelled her. The group of wolves turned to face Rhea. They scanned her body, but never met her eyes. Then every single wolf looked at her hand. The Crescent Moon Ring. A ring that allows any wolf to control their form, along with the sign of an Elder of the Full Moon society.

"E-elder Sterling, what are you doing here?" One of the men quivers, bowing his head.

"I am here for the same reason as you." Rhea quips."So at ease, all of you."

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