cynder tears down the wall between her bedroom and her diapered son's nursery.

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Ten days later cynder had the wall between her bedroom and her diapered son's nursery torn down and now the two rooms are one big room. Cynder removed the extra bed that she had got for herself while she waited for the day she gives rebirth to her diapered son James. And had moved her diapered son's crib next to her bed and moved his diaper changing table beside her adult diaper changing table and the same goes for his dresser being moved beside her dresser. Meaning the two of them are always side by side when cynder is changing James's diapers and with James's crib beside her bed she can be ready to change his diaper in the middle of the night. And right now it is August 15th meaning that there's only half a month left before cynder gives birth to her diapered son James again.

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