Brother (Wilbur and TommyInnit brother au)

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Song is Brother by Kodaline. 

Wilbur's POV-

I don't have too many memories from when I was young, but I'll always remember the day my dad, Philza, brought my adoptive brother, Tommy, home. I knew from the moment I saw his chubby, tiny face swaddled in blankets, that I would die for this boy. I was only 6 years old, but I had already dedicated my life to him as soon as his bright blue eyes opened. When he met my eyes, he had smiled a big, bright smile and had reached for me with his tiny hand, his fingers so small and chubby that I remember laughing as I grasped his hand. He giggled back, a sound that had filled my heart with warmth.

I vowed to protect him that day. And protect him I did.

The years passed, both fast and slow at the same time. He seemed to shoot up before my eyes. He grew fast, and it wasn't just his height. He had a big heart, and an even bigger smile. He lit up a room when he walked into it. He was the joy of mine, Phil's, and Techno's life. But he was quite the handful.

The first time I fought someone for him was when he was 12. He was taking longer than usual to come out of the school, so Techno and I went searching for him. I eventually found him on a trail leading into the woods behind the school. He was on his knees, trying to cover his head as three older boys kicked and punched him. One wore a mask that had a smiley face on it. Another wore white glasses and another had a bandana with a flame in the middle. I swear I saw red as one of them landed a kick to Tommy's chest. He screamed, curling in even more. I was thrown into a blind rage as I ran at the boys, punching the one with the bandana in the face. I wasn't typically the violent type, but I could not stand by while Tommy was beaten. Soon, the boys had run away, and I knelt beside Tommy, worry and fear piercing my heart. 

"Toms? Toms, look at me."

He looked up weakly, pain heavy in his face. Tears streaked down his face, which was already turning black and blue. 

"Wilby, i-it hurts..."

I gently scooped him up, gathering him into my arms, and I held him close as I started to run back towards the school, needing to get him to a hospital.

"I know Toms, I know..."

He passed out in my arms at some point. I was running up the path when I encountered Techno running down it. One look at the injured boy in my arms and we both started running towards the nearest hospital. We called Phil from the hospital after giving Tommy to a nurse to take him in and heal him up. Soon, a worried Phil landed outside, and we all sat in the waiting room, Phil's wings around us to comfort us like he did when we were younger as we sat, waiting for them to come out and tell us how bad his injuries were. Eventually, the doctor came out and told us that Tommy had a broken rib and a lot of severe bruising along his sides, arms, and chest. The doctor said that we could go in and see him, even though he was still unconscious. We did, staying with him all through the night. He ended up waking up early the next morning, still groggy from the sedatives. 

We asked him what happened, listening as he blearily told us the story. He told us about how they had tried to corner him in the locker room after school, as he had gym last period. He told us about him running out of the school and down the path, which was the only way he could go out of the back doors. He started crying when he told us about how he ran as fast as he could down the path, but it hadn't been enough, and the three had caught up to him. They had started kicking him and calling him horrible names, just because he was adopted by Phil, who was a hybrid. He stayed in the hospital the rest of the day, but he got to go home the next day. 

Disaster seemed to follow Tommy. Over the years there were a few more fights, although Tommy could hold his own better after being trained by Phil and Techno. That didn't stop Quackity from pushing him off of a cliff into the ocean when Tommy was 16 after Tommy refused to join Dream's uprising against hybrids and those who support them. I remember running to the edge, Ranboo and Tubbo chasing after a fleeing Quackity. I didn't think, I just dove. The water had been freezing, and I could just barely see Tommy floating in the water, struggling to find the surface from so far down. I remember swimming towards him as fast as I possibly could, watching him try to kick up towards me, his eyes wide with fear and panic. I reached him just as he opened his mouth helplessly, having run out of oxygen and his brain, irrationally trying to get more oxygen, had impulsively had him try to breathe in water. I had watched as his eyes rolled back into his head and he went limp as I grabbed him. I swam as fast as I could to the surface, my lungs ready to burst as we reached the surface. I gasped for breath, immediately swimming as fast as I could towards the shore, praying that I wasn't too late as I did so. I made it to the shore, dragging him onto the sand and falling to my knees beside him. His head lolled to one side and his eyes were closed. A bit of water trickled out of his open mouth and I felt sick to my stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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