The all mighty statue

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A present sat on the table in front of her and the red head tried on to cringe at the box. Jamie was a young woman in her early thirties, she was small in height reaching up to five foot four. The tag on the box, read from Leo with love.

Jamie and her ex boyfriend didn’t have the greatest relationship, she had moved out of their house without telling him at the age of twenty three. Never looking back it wasn’t that she didn’t love her boyfriend. But ever since she had turned twenty, the red heads boyfriend.

He had started leaving not so subtle hints about the chance of having kids. At first Jamie had just brushed it off as nothing figuring it would stop in time. But the more time that passed, the more common the signs got.

Jamie would find baby books on their book shelves, sometimes her boyfriend would have a show. On tv that would be teen moms or something similar like I didn’t know I was pregnant. It started to get a bit worse when she hit her twenty one birthday.

When her boyfriend asked her if she was ready to start a family with him and Jamie had just given him a small smile. Saying she was too young and that she wasn’t interested in having any anytime soon.

Her boyfriend had looked a little upset and had commented, “Well our parents did have us early but who knows maybe you’ll change your mind.”

Jamie hadn’t thought anything about it at the time. But the subtle pushing for kids, became a daily thing after that. She began finding little things everywhere around the house.

Little toys for kids in the hallway, diapers in the bathroom under the sink and baby food sitting in the fridge. Though it had been starting to creep Jamie out at the time. She figured that her boyfriend must have been going through a mental health problem since he had those a lot since he was a kid.

It reached a new level for her, when she had been getting ready to go on vacations. Planning to take  morning after pills and condoms with her just in case. Jamie had noticed pills that had looked different from the rest of them.

Making sure that, her boyfriend hadn’t noticed that she had figured out something was wrong. The red head had taken the whole bottle with her and after her vacation she had done some research.
The pills that her boyfriend had slipped into her birth control were supposed to increase. The chance of getting pregnant, by about ten hundred percent the normal amount. They would have made, her pregnant almost instantly.

Realization hit her just how bad things were getting with her boyfriend and how hard he wanted a baby. From Jamie cause, she didn’t know if her boyfriend would still be able to have kids in the future. As soon as she had enough money saved up and her twenty three birthday hit.
Jamie packed her bags and moved out of their house and into an apartment in a different state.
Just to be safe, since she had no idea just how far her boyfriend was willing to go to knock her up.

She hadn’t talked to him much outside of the holidays since he was a family friend and hadn’t seen him in person sense. Jamie had no idea how her ex, got her apartment address, but it did leave her cautious.

Now being 32 years old, Jaime was somewhat nervous to receive this gift on her birthday. Uncrossing her arms the red head walked up to the box and untied the large bow on top. It was a medium-sized box covered in light wrapping paper.

The paper came off with the large bow and Jamie grabbed a box knife cutting across the top. She pulled the flaps off the top opening it and reached inside to grab the thing. That was wrapped inside, it was covered in bubble wrap, and a thin cloth laid over it.

Jamie undid the cloth from around the figure and carefully unwrapped the bubble wrap. From around what appeared to be a statue of some kind once all the stuff from the box was on the table.

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