the heaviness weights on the intruder

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"Help! Please, Leo... I can't keep doing this it's been five years! I'm too full, and I'm in too much in pain, I haven't seen my kids in a year or anyone other than you. You keep me trapped in this basement filled to burst with your children, and it's too painful. You have to let me out."

Jamie ranted to the man as he caressed her currently sextuplets full term baby bump. While sitting on his knees.

The statues taped to her sweating hands as she hung in the air. She was surprised that the weight hadn't dropped her to the ground yet.

"The time will come mommy, maybe after this litter or another one, we'll see. I think you'll give birth tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll take the statue upstairs you're good for today." He raised to his feet and sent out his hand to release only the statue.

Giving the bump another kiss and a rub before he went back upstairs. To the wilderness of kids from the age of five that filled his mansion.

Running, playing, and laughing. That was the vibe of the house that night. He climbed the stairs, giving attention to many of his kids on the way.

He entered a key to one of the doors on the highest floor, a code, an eye scan, and other security measures and opened the door to reveal a single stand. The room was filled with some of the best security you will ever find.

All for the statue that Leo never dreamed of losing. He placed the statue in its spot and activated each and every security measure.

And unknown to him... a teenager, a professional in her craft of burglary, was watching from the small window in the corner of the room. She was a homeless person, only seventeen of age and when the rumors spread around her kind of people...

That a family had a high security room with the most valuable of items. She jumped at the opportunity, watching the family for days, waiting for the perfect night for her to strike.


She had everything planned out from her entry to that specific room to the exit and making sure she won't ever be discovered.

She waited outside for three more hours till the last of the lights turned off. A few minutes more, and she was on the move.

With things she earned in her life on the streets, she climbed up the fence and the backyard trees that reached the highest floor window but also the smallest, picked the lock, and quickly slipped in.

Her body was small from her days without any money and food, just your ordinary petite girl. Wearing a black tank top and some black sweatpants.

But when she layed her eyes on the stand itself and the system, she knew it would all be changed forever, in the way that she could sell the item for billions and finally get a house and proper meals.

She could only see the back of the statue from where she was sitting, but whatever it was, it was worth plenty.

It took her almost forty minutes sitting on the window edge to use every skill she had in her book to take out the complicated system so she could simply enter the room.

And she could finally lift up the layer blurring the item to see it in all its glory, the statue of fertility. Right before her eyes. But she didn’t know that.

Its odd shape confused her. Why would someone go to this length to keep a statue of a large woman hidden? It looked like something some fake feminist would have in her living room as decoration. Something you can buy in ten dollars.

She thought she did all of this for nothing.

She made the grab for it, and examining it closely could help her see if there was some signature on it from a very known artist, but no... nothing came out of all of this adventure except the spark of adrenaline that started deep in her core.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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