The End of the Beginning

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Elena and Hermione got out, as Mcgonagall rushed to the doors.

"You were right," Professor Mcgonagall spoke, and took Ron from Hermione and Elena.
"Professor! You're not mad at us?" Hermione asked.
"Not at all, Miss Granger. You two must go to bed, though, both of you."
"What about Ron? Will he be okay?" asked Elena.
"Mr Weasley will be up and running just as normal soon. Both of you, get some rest tonight."

Elena and Hermione walked up to their dorm, and Elena barely kept her eyes open as she flopped down, as she fell asleep automatically. She knew Hermione would take care of everything.

The next day, Elena woke up, seeing that everyone in her dorm was already awake and out. She exited, still in her messy robes from the day before. She hoped she could see Ron in the hospital wing today, or that he'd be released.
Elena entered the common room, as George ran forwards, giving her a tight hug.
"Elena Potter!" He chanted, and picked her up, as her eyes widened.
"Glad to see you're up and running, Elena!" Fred added, as George set her back down.
Elena backed up, her brows crumbling.
"Aren't you two upset with me?" She asked, and they shook their heads.
"Course not," Fred laughed.
"All in good fun, Elena, go on and eat, I'm sure Ron will be out soon!" George added, and Elena walked away, in slight confusion.

She walked out to the staircases, and on one of them, stood alone with Parkinson, who was much quieter all on her own. Their staircase moved and took them farther away from the Great Hall.

"Can't believe you're up and running, yet Harry is injured," she finally growled.
"He is? What happened?" Elena asked, as Parkinson scowled.
"He's in the hospital wing, you daft dimbo! Yet, you, and the other Gryffindors are just- okay? Revolting," she crossed her arms.
"Harry didn't even want us to go with him, we chose to," Elena huffed, and Parkinson looked into her eyes.
"Just shut up!" she yelled, and Elena stormed ahead of her, as Parkinson quickly followed, "you act so innocent," she continued, "yet you break so many rules, you walk around after bedtime is over, you hate people like Draco, yet you and your friends are worse!"
"Us?" Elena asked, "we were trying to do the right thing, and you? I don't understand. You said you wanted to be friends" Elena spoke, but it was Malfoy who replied from behind her.
"Friends?" He asked, a mocking undertone, "friends with someone who carries around a muggle book? From someone who obsesses over those red headed traitors! Pansy would never be your friend."

Elena paused, hearing his words. She looked into Parkinson's eyes. For a moment, it was the Pansy she met on the train. A warm, brown eyes gaze across the hall.

"You're ridiculous to think any Slytherin would be your friend, Potter," she finally said, her eyes betraying her words.

Elena's heart sank.

"Elena!" Hermione said, and Elena ran to Hermione, hugging the bushy haired girl, and ignoring the comments Parkinson had thrown to her. Hermione pointed behind Elena as they pulled apart, as Ron gave Hermione a hug, then he turned to Elena, as Elena threw her arms around him.
"I was so worried about you!" She said, and Ron pulled Elena in tightly, as they both lingered there for a moment, until Elena let go of him.
"I'm okay," he said, and Elena smiled at him.
"I'm glad you're okay- and Harry? Where is he?" She asked.
"Hospital Wing," Hermione intervened, and Ron smiled.
"Eat first," Ron spoke, and Elena nodded, seeing Malfoy and his friends walk out- most likely meaning they were going to see him.
Elena nodded, sitting down and going into some of her food.
"You saved me," she softly said to Ron, "thank you."
"It was no.. Nothing, Elena. Don't thank me," Ron shook his head.
"Oh, but I have to! You're my hero," she replied.
"Hero? I did what I needed to for a friend."
Elena laughed, "I'll never mention it again."
"Then I'll know you two have gone back to normal," Hermione said, and the three of them laughed.

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