Chapter 12: The End Of The Diary

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The lunch table was very different than the breakfast. Now Elijah and Ga on was laughing around and Yohan had no idea about what. But no matter how much he wanted to know, he really didn't wanna ask.

" I think we should let Ga on go back to Seoul. " Elijah told him in the middle of her laugh. Ga on stopped his laugh and kicked Elijah's leg under table. Yohan threw one of his eyebrows up.

" Why? "

" Oh Jin Jo got him a blind date there." another kick.
Yohan looked at him in his usually poker face. Ga on tried to read something but couldn't.

" You wanna go? " Yohan asked him. Something in Ga on really hated leaving here. 90% percent of the people who he wanted to spent time with, were here and by all honesty the idea of dating didn't flatter him at all. It was like he got all he need in his life, here. When Ga on didn't answer, Yohan assumed he wanted to go back but was too shy to say it to his face. So he looked back to his plate.

" Tell when and I'll get you the ticket. "
It altered Ga on.

" I don't wanna go. "

" You don't? " he looked back at him to figure out what he should believe.

" No. Do you want me to? " Ga on asked feeling insecure.
Yohan deep breathed and looked at his plate.

" Never. " He kind of whispered. The answer made Ga on all smiley and when turned his head he found Elijah smiling at his uncle.

Maybe Ga on had some sort of problem but he had a strong erge to finish the diary. But what he didn't expect was some sentences there. Ga on knew Soo Hyun didn't like Yohan at all. He knew she did anything to kind of separate them and probably Cheif Min used this. But on the some last page of her diary he read something that probably won't let him sleep.

" All these years I thought if one day Ga on wanna start dating, I'll be his first choice. All the girls around him, in his university or his workplace were never a threat. But now... Now I found a rival. Kang Yohan looks at him like he's the most precious person in the world but the problem is Ga on looks at him this way too. Ga on may not know it but when his eyes land on him, they hold more than admiration for a senior like the way I looked at him these years. It makes me wonder. Did he kiss me just for a way out of his confusion? "

Ga on looked at the paper. He loved Soo Hyun, he didn't doubt that. He kissed her because he wanted to, not because he wanted to ran away. But then he remembered that one night that Yohan didn't come home. He was worried, of course he was. They were in the middle of a war. But his worst thought after him being injured, was what if he was with a girl? And the next morning when Yohan came back and talked about his " rough night", he didn't know why but he felt angry and betrayed. He closed the diary and looked at the white wall in front of him absent minded. What if Soo Hyun was right and Yohan actually loved him? After some moments he caught himself smiling at his thought. He held his face in his both hands. And maybe Soo Hyun was right about him too. He loved Yohan.

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