Happy love

12 1 4

I opened my eyes to a tapping noise on my window . As I sat up I put my mask on and walked toward the window and opened it . " hello beautiful ." A face upsides down , popped into my window with a bright smile on his face .
" hey speedy what are you doing here ? I thought no one could get in security." I pulled on his arm to make him fall into my room . " well it's not very good , it didn't take long for me to get in. " I smiled and kneeled down to him on the floor . " Emma let you in didn't she ." I smiled and grabbed his hand . " yeah..." He chuckled and smiled . " well what are you doing here ?" I sat down on my window seal brushing my hair back ."I have come to take you to a picnic." He then sneakily took out a basket from behind him ." Where did you keep that ,I didn't see you have it." He smiled like a child ." It's called magic! " he took my hand and brought me close to him . I laid my head on him and smiled . " that's not magic , it's called deceiving the eyes ." I walked to the door and opened it .
" shall we go?" He took my arm and wrapped it around him , smirking gleefully .

Our love sparked so much that day and so much was to come , and it was so wonderful. I'll never forget it .
He sat me under neath a big oak tree , that was decorated with bright streamers of all colors . He said with a wry smile ," I love you forever and beyond the stars , no matter how far you shall go , I will follow you...." I smiled deeply and felt my feelings explode in my heart. But there was something that I could not pin on him. I felt like as if I knew him. His touch was gentle, and his words were soft like a cloud . So why couldn't i remember who it was ?
It all remained a mystery to me , but I didn't think about it...
He took me to beautiful sunsets around the city , and took me to the woods and showed me what it was like living in their world . He gave me hope and his smile seemed to cover up every inch of his real thoughts . It was like an illusion that I wanted to see ; and I wasn't prepared for it. We fell in love , or so that's what it seemed like at the time ....

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