Hard forgiveness

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I opened my eyes and heard a light drizzling rain outside , and light tapping on my window . I turned my head toward the sound .
Speedy was knocking on my window with a note and a flower in his hand , and his hair dripping wet . Shaking my head at myself , I opened my window and pulled him inside and threw a blanket at him . " what are you doing here ?" I walked to my bed and crossed my arms . " I came to apologize please you have to understand I didn't mean any of what you heard!" I ran over to me and tried to hold my hand . " if you didn't mean it you wouldn't have said it in the first place !" I slapped his hand away and turned my head away . " please.....I didn't know you were there and .......I ....didn't think I guess at the moment..." He sighed heavily and moved to look me in the face .
" please under stand I've never felt like this before with anyone your the first one I've ever loved !" He leaned his forehead on mine and stroked my hair back. I gently touched his soaked face and chuckled . " do you know how idiotic you look right now ?" I smiled like a little school girl , but his face stayed the same . " will you forgive me please ?" He took my hand in his and kisses the top of my head making me feel like it was on fire ." I don't know...I was so heart broken....and when Emma and osaris found out they were mad ." I turned my face away thinking of their faces . " umm actually Emma is the one that let me in...." " of course she did ..." I chuckled , thinking how much of a best friend she is . " so....will you forgive me ?" I smiled and placed my hand on his cheek. " of course I will my darling..." He tilted my head up and lightly kissed my lips . It felt like sweet heaven , and I never wanted it to stop for a Single moment.
That night we shared our secrets , and exchanged more sweet kisses filled with love . After a while we fell asleep in each other's arms happily smiling .

What seemed like an instant i woke up to the sound of a knocking on my door .
Steadily getting up, I carefully squeezed my way out of speedys arms and opened the door quietly . Emma stood there with a smile on her face and her arms crosse . " ahem , it seems like the broken glass is mended ." She smirked and pulled my arm into the hall way .
" what do you want I was napping! " she giddily shook me barely containing her words. " so are you two back together???? Please please please??" She shook me so hard I thought my brain would rattle out . " is that the reason you let him in so it would mend us?" She finally stopped shaking me and bit her lip . " umm maybe you never know . " she giggled happily . " I knew it wasn't over between you two , I just had to get you two together !!and I didn't bring him here he came on his own!" She crossed her arms again , keeping that silly smile on her face .
" you and your love predictions ..." I smirked and hugged her tightly . " thanks your a good friend ." I let go and walked quietly back into the room and crept silently back into his arms and felt him squeeze them around me tightly , as the corners of his lips rose up. " love you..." He kissed my forehead and laid his head on me and fell back asleep . " go to sleep my darling... The world is safe .. Sleep for your time was used well today...be careful and forget your worries and i shall never wander from you. " I quietly sang those words softly and fell asleep happily as I sang . All my worries at that moment seemed to fade .

Little did I know this was jus the beginning..........

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