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Mirror chamber - Entrance ceremony

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Mirror chamber - Entrance ceremony

"is that all for the new student dorm assignments?" a red haired boy in a robe asked 

"listen up new students. here in heartslabyul  I am the rules. Break them and its off with your head" he continued

".... Uuugghh. the stuffy ceremony is finally over." a man with lion ears and the same robe complained

"We're going back to the dorm. Savanclaws, follow me." he demanded 

"to the new students, on entering this academy. enjoy your life here to its fullest." a boy with glasses said

"As the dormitory leader of octavinelle i will support you to the best of my ability."

"by the way, where did the headmaster go? he flew out right in the middle of the ceremony..." a beautiful man asked

"abandoning his post..." a flying tablet said

"not his first..." a girl said while playing on her switch 

"did he get a stomachache or something?" a boy in a turban said

the door then opened revealing the headmaster, a boy in a robe and a- flying cat..?

"Not at all!" The headmaster shouted

"ah, he's here." the red headed boy said

"i cannot believe you all. we were missing one new student so i went to find him."

"oh, so we were..." the girl said before putting back her switch to listen to her adoptive father

"You are the only one yet to be assigned a dormitory. i shall watch over the raccoon, step in front of the dark mirror." said to the new student

"Mghgmh!!!" the flying blue raccoon thing struggled

"State thy name." the dark mirror said

"Yuu." the boy said

"The shape of thy soul is... 

i do not know."

"come again?" the headmaster said

"I sense not spark of magic from this one..." the dark mirror said

"The color, The shape, all are nothing. Therefore they are suited for no dormitory." it continued

"An Ebony carriage Would absolutely never go to meet someone who can't use magic! In 100 years there has not one been a mistake in a student selection. So why in the world..." the headmaster said confused

"Mghmgh... Pah! Then i'll take his place!" the- i'm not even going to...

"Stay right there! Raccoon!" the headmaster demanded

"Unlike that dumb human, i can use magic! let me in the school instead! if you need proof i'll show you right now!" the raccoon??? whatever...

"Everyone, get down!" the red haired boy shouted

"Nnnaaah" the- no... idk said summoning blue flames

"Waaaah! Hotttttt! My butt's on fire!" the boy in a turban screamed

"At this rate the school will be a sea of fire! Somebody catch that raccoon!" the headmaster demanded

"che! sucks up." the man with lion ears said

"Hmm? Aren't you good at hunting? Doesn't it look like a nice, plump snack? also, Y/N why arent you doing anything? with that?" the beautiful man asked the man with lion ears and the girl who was now on her switch.

"Why me? Do it yourself" the man with lion ears responded

"no..." 'Y/N' responded with a yawn

"do you bring that everywhere?" the beautiful man questioned pointing at the girl's switch which he only received a nod.

"Mr. crowley, please leave it to me." the boy with glasses said.

"I'm sure the others couldn't stomach harassing the poor creature, so i will take it upon myself." he continued

"that's azul for you. always trying to earn himself points" the flying tablet said

"Umm, hey, could someone put out my butt fire already!?" the boy in a turban shouted

"stop, drop and- i forgot what's next... sorry..." Y/N apologized.

"Are you all even listening!?" The headmaster shouts

"If it's just catching some stupid raccoon, can't you do it yourself, teach." the man with lion ears said

"How many times do  have to tell you, I'm not a raccoon!" the "thing" argued

"The Great Grim that will become the greatest raccoon will be me!" the 'grim'? continued

"It certainly has moxie. care to help me, riddle" 'azul' asked the boy with red hair supposedly name 'riddle'

"i can't overlook those who break rules. Let's hurry and get this over with."


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