Prologue 3

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W3LC0M3 B4CK M45T3R (B4D K1NK😡)

W3LC0M3 B4CK M45T3R (B4D K1NK😡)

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Bewildering amnesia!


"There really isn't anything. Not only the world map, But the name of your home isn't written in any history." Crowley said as Y/N was glitching or teleporting in the library. To find if there were more books.

"Are you truly from where you say? You aren't lying to me by any chance?" Crowley asked suspicious of Yuu, Yuu then shook his head as a 'No' 

"Looking at all this, you may have somehow been brought here from another planet... There's also a possibility you're from another world." Crowley said to Yuu.

"Another world!?" Yuu was shocked.

"What did you have on you when you came here? Do you have any identification, Like a license for a magic car, name on a shoe... You appear to be empty handed."

"Now that you mention it, I don't have my wallet or phone." Yuu said.

"Y/N, have you found anything else?" Crowley asked his daughter who only shook her head

"This is concerning. I can't just let someone who can't use magic stay at school."

"However, as an educator, I can't just toss a penniless teenager out on the street with no form of communication."

"For I am gracious. Right Y/N?"



"Uhh... yes?" Y/N then quickly glitched/teleported to a few hours later

"Well... I can let you stay in my daughter's dorm since she has no other company."

"For the time being I shall allow you to stay there!"

"Then I will look for a way for you to return home."

a note glitched on Yuu's hand, it said 'SP01L3R5: He probably won't lol.' 

"My graciousness is limitless! I am a model for all educators."

"We had better be on our way. Let's head to the dormitory. It may have too many video games and plushies but might be a certain charm to it." 


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