|6. The saint|

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Alani lied on the floor and slept that night, she spent Two whole days with that beast. When Alani woke up in the morning she set course for the first floor.

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Alani arrived at a locked Blue, metal door. She took out her hairpin and she snapped it in half, she used it to unlock the door. There were gasps heard from inside and when Alani opened the door she came face to face with a hurdle of people, she was drenched in blood and her body was covered in scars and bruises.

"Hey-ho~ I'm not a monster, not yet." Alani chimed. "Alani?" a male voice came, to her shock Eun-hyuk was stood before her, still as handsome as ever. "Since- Since when we're you in this Apartment complex?" Hyuk asked. "A year or so... Is Eun-Yu here too!" Alani chimed and on que a girl walked in. "Alani!" Yu gasped and she hugged her tightly.

"She's infected." a boy stated and Yu stepped back a bit. "He's right, I am... Is- Is Su here?" Alani asked kindly. "Hyun-Su? You know him?" Hyuk uttered and she nodded. "He's my close friend-" Alani stopped talking when Su stepped into the room, he was guided by a gangster-looking man, both clearly noticed the commotion. "Su!" Alani chimed, he saw her and his eyes widened, he pushed his way past everyone and he hugged her. "You are alive! I'm so glad!" he cried in joy.

"What's with the mask." an old man asked, he looked ill, he must've been infected. He stepped up to Alani with an evil glare "Answer me brat! She could already be a monster- we wouldn't know!?" The man then grabbed the mask and ripped it off Alani's face. Everyone gasped. "Old man- she's never taken that FUCKING MASK OFF!" Yu screamed protectively, Alani covered her hands over her face as she tried to hide her anger.

"I'm fine..." Alani looked up with a cold glare, she had cuts all along her face and she was given a faint chelsea smile that dragged the corners of her mouth out. "Happy? I have a fucked up face, that's why I wear the mask. However-" Alani punched the old man in the face, instantly breaking his nose. "That's for taking it off, dick." Alani turned to Su and his eyes widened. "I'm sorry that you have to see my face, that man broke my mask when he dropped it..." Alani apologized. "No, you look... Gorgeous." Soo muttered and Alani smiled faintly. "Thank's" She uttered.

"That bitch!? She broke my nose- she's no ordinary girl- no girl hits like that." The old man said. "Of course she's ordinary, in school she was known for her strength, we went to school together. Even then she wore that thing." Yu pointed at the broken mask on the floor. "No, I agree with the old man." The gangster spoke up, he stepped infront of Alani. "You're hiding something... I can see it in your eyes, you know how to kill... You know how to kill well, don't you." The man said. Alani chuckled. "I'd have to, to fight those monsters, wouldn't-" Alani found herself stopping the gangsters punch and she spun him around, she then pinned him against the wall. "The fuck are you playing at." she asked sharply and he laughed. "The girls a murderer... I knew it." With those words everyone backed away slowly, even Su stepped back. "You... You are very good at killing... And all those weapons and scars you have." Su whispered skeptically.

"Fine, you caught me. I'm a killer! No biggie~" Alani chimed and she pushed the gangster away. "What! You are-" Yu gasped. "Well... My Father was Jung Chan-Shi, a known Gangster slash Mafia Man. I'm sure all of you have heard of him. He's famous afterall... He killed criminals and gave out their money to the poor." Alani started. "He, my Mother and Little Sister were murdered by mad scientists. They wanted me, they wanted my talents and intelligence. I was with them for Two years until I was Seven, there I escaped to an Orphanage. But I was kidnapped again and tortured till I was Twelve, I was made a child soldier ever since I was born basically." Alani paced about with a smile, the others were deadly silent, few even gasped. "However, my Uncle rescued me and I was set to a normal school, where I met Yu. Turns out my Uncle was the mastermind all along... He gave me Four Years of peace until I found out who he truly was... He was a Pedophile who wanted me all to himself, he went and made my life a living hell so I could be his little pet soldier, so I escaped. There? Are you all happy, are you all glad that you know who I am now... Can I go?" Alani spat.

Alani then stormed off and went into the Isolation room where the soon-to-be monsters were held. She saw Su exit from it when she arrived. "I'll stay in here... Since I'm infected and all." Alani closed the door and she went and sat in the far left corner, she faced the back wall as silent tears rolled down her cheeks, she rested her head on the cold wall.

A hand slipped around her waist and she was pulled close by someone. "Wha-" she was cut off. "Shh... It's me, Su." He spoke gently, a saddened expression was on his handsome face. "Oh, hey-" Alani wiped her swolen eyes as she put of a brave face. "I'm sorry that you had to go through all that stuff... I know I couldn't fathom how complex your situation truly is." Su uttered. "Well... I hate being the bringer of bad news so I never told anyone, but now the world's going to shit I think those people deserve to know I won't slice their throats in their sleep. The only thing they'll have to worry about it... Me killing myself." Alani chuckled out, Su's face screwed up into one of worry. "You know... That day you were going to die, I was up there to try and jump off for the second time, the way you fall down is the worst part of it. You feel a moment of bliss then the cold slap of reality hits you..."Alani spoke as she stared at the concrete wall.

"Oh... I have a broken rib by the way." Alani said casually as she coughed up blood, Su lent back in shock. "HELP! PLEASE!?" He shouted and a man with a sword burst in, the old man who was infected turned around. "What's wrong with her?" The swords man asked. "Broken rib..." Alani chimed with a false smile as she stood up, everyone around looked in horror as she walked over to the guy with a sword. "A-Are you sure?" he asked. Alani slipped off her vest top so she was stood in her bra, the man and Su both looked away. "Look... Broken." She pointed at her caved in rib. "I saw that the medical room was over there... I'll go fix myself." Alani limped out of the room. "Teenagers scare the shit out of me..." Alani heard the sword guy utter.

"W-Why is she out?" a girl with a dog asked. Su rushed to Alanis side and he helped her along. "She's dying! Someone- please help her!" Soo screamed. "She's doesn't look like she's-" everyone stared at her mangled body in horror. "It's fine Su... I'll fix myself. Yu, can you guide me?" Alani asked gently. "Yes-" Su and Yu took Alani to the room with medical supplies.

Alani stumbled into the medical room and she took out the rubbing alcohol, she then grabbed her axe and she cut open her the area just blow her broken rib, she shoved her hand inside and she re-attached her rib to itself. Alani then poured the rubbing alcohol onto her stomach and she used a sewing kit to sew it shut. As she bit off the loose string she turned around to find everyone was watching her from the window when she saw them they dispursed.

"Yet again I'm a freak show..." Alani chuckled quietly to herself as she bandaged up her stomach. She then picked up her axe and she stepped out. A woman came over to her, she had a gentle face and short hair, in her arms was a shirt. "A pretty girl like yourself shouldn't walk around shirtless... Here." Alani took the blue shirt and she slipped it on. "Thank you. I'm Jung Shi-Alani." Alani uttered as she wiped blood off her face. "I'm Seon-Ahn." Ahn went on to give Alani everyone's names, which she was grateful for.

"Are you not scared of me?" Alani asked. "Why should I be scared... I can feel it in my bones that you are a nice, kind girl who's been wrongly mistreated." Ahn uttered and Alani broke down, she buried her head into her knees as she cried on the staircase. "I'm getting pretty fucking tired..." Alani sniffled out. "Tired of what exactly?" Ahn asked. "Living... From day one I've been in pain, I close my eyes and all I see is me killing people. I'm the main reason why my family died too..." Alani inquired, she rested her head against the wall. "If you die... Their death would be in vein." Ahn gently said as she rubbed Alani's back. "Su wouldn't want you to die... I can see something's blossoming between you both. Something beautiful, shouldn't you live long enough to see it happen." Ahn stated and Alani smiled. "Thank you... For believing in me." Alani stood up and she dusted herself off.


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