Chapter 2

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As i countinued walking a hand roughly pulled me back making me stumble backwards. "Aye mamas i was talking to you." the same dude from the car said. "Yeah and i ignored you for a reason." rolling my eyes.

"Nah let me get yo number" he said smiling showing off his yellow ass teeth with rusted grills. "Nah I'm good!" I smiled back before going to walk away. "I wasn't askin ma" he grabbed both my arms trying to pull me backwards as i resisted.

"Aye!" A loud voice shouts.

We both turn, "aye you know this dude?" he asked "na-" "yeah she my girl." the creep cut me off. "Why don't you let her answer the question. You know him?" he asks once again, "no i don't and he won't let me go." i responded trying to wiggle out of his grasp.

"Aye let the lil lady go before we have a problem." he said slowly reaching to his pants. "Mind yo business boy." The man says again stepping up to him. The dude takes out a loaded gun and points it to his head.

"Yeah ight so big and bad now huh bitch! Don't ever put yo nasty ass hands on a women or yo ass gettin' a bullet in ya brain. If you even got one?" He smirked at the man's expressions.
"Ight man chill i won't just let me go dude." the man spoke with a slight panic in his voice. Once he put the gun down the man ran off as fast ass he could.

"Thank you for that." I said to his with a smile, "no problem ma, he just needed to be taught some respect." he said smirking.

"Well i should probably go home." I said grabbing my snacks. "Lemme walk you."

𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥Where stories live. Discover now