12: Sana passed out

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Nayeon's POV:

It has been two hours and Sana was nowhere in sight. I looked for her all over the dorm but wasn't able to find her. The two Maknaes of the group was sitting huddled together in the living room, watching an action film.

"Have you guys seen Sana?" I asked Chaeng and Dubu.

"She's in her room, probably taking a bath." Chaeng replied her eyes still glued to the TV.

"It's been two hours though, Chaeng!" Dubu replied to Chaeng.

"Get me the keys to her room now, Dahyun-ah!" I screamed at Dahyun as I knocked furiously at Sana's room.

"Satang? Sweetie, are you okay?" I put my ears against the door to eavesdrop for an answer, no rustling, just silence.

I tried the door in the hopes that Sana forgot to lock her door. To no avail, it was locked from the inside. Dahyun quickly got to me and gave me the master key for Sana's bedroom. I quickly opened her door using the key and barged into Sana's room. I found her unconscious in the bath tub, almost about to drown because her head was falling into the water.

"Dahyunnie, call 911 now!" I said to Dahyun as I picked up Sana from the cold tub water and carried Sana and plopped her down on her bed, she's still breathing, thank god! But her pulse is weak, her breathing are shallow and slow.

Her body convulsing and shaking. I wrapped Sana in a thick blanket. The rest of the members got out to check what the commotion was about. It was my girl friend Jeongyeon who first came into the room and saw Sana convulsing in a blanket. I could only hug Sana to provide her additional heat, she sat and hugged Sana at the other side, Mina, Jihyo and Momo came in and Momo was shocked. She cried automatically and ran to the living room where Dahyun was calling 911, Mina meanwhile knew Sana had hypothermia, she quickly had a hot pack prepared for Sana. She places the hot pack in between my hand and Sana. She rummages for Sana's thick hoodies, she found one and put it over Sana's head. Jihyo, Jeongyeon and I propped Sana to help Mitang put the oversized hoodie that fell past Sana's knees. Mina was born in the U.S.A and moved back to Japan when she was a toddler. Both countries had winter climates, so she's used to getting cold and knew exactly what was happening to Sana. Jihyo turned on the heating in Sana's room. Who ever turned off the heating on a Winter's day would pay! I'll scold them later, but right now, the most important thing is to get Sana some heat.

"Dahyun! Where are the ambulance?" I screamed at Dahyun.

"On their way!" Dahyun screamed back.

"Chaeng! Please get us hot chocolate!" I ordered the youngest.

She appears immediately in the room with a cup of hot chocolate. She was apparently preparing it all along. I instructed Chaeng to make Sana drink the warm beverage as Jeong and I propped Sana's body to sit up. Mina climbed ino Sana's bed and positioned herself as a stand on Sana's back, making it easier for us to prop the collapsed hypothermic body of Sana. If I hadn't looked for her, we would never know what was happening and a few more minutes could've killed Sana. She really fucking did it this time! This girl not only liked soaking on the tub she also liked locking herself up inside her room, I've got to put a stop to this immediately, before she does it again. I looked into Jihyo's eyes and said.

"Move into this room now. We can't afford to lose another member, I am tasking you to stay with Satang." I said to Jihyo.

Jihyo could only nod, after all, Sana and Jihyo are also close friends, often hugging each other or giving each other piggy back rides. Jihyo immediately moved to our shared room and got her things. She moved them back to Sana's room as we still tried to give Sana warmth as we waited for the ambulance. A siren blared nearby an indication that the ambulance was near. Satang was still shaking. Jeong and I moved Satang to the livng room to make it easier for the medical team to get Satang. How could this day get so out of hand? It started with Tzuyu leaving the dorm and talking to Park PDnim and now this? A member who almost died because of hypothermia had I not barged in to save her.

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