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Izzie's POV

4 months later...

"What do you think we did in our previous lives?"

"Fell in love a lot..."

She was very happy with my answer as she bent down to kiss me. "Ok, what does that one look like?" She asked, pointing up at the sky. "I don't know... a banana or something," I replied and she scoffed. "It looks like a dick!" She exclaimed and I pushed her away.

It had been four months since Casey and I found each other. In our previous lives. No details of course but we knew we were in love. And that was enough for me. Right now, we were both lying on the grass and watching the clouds, trying to figure out what each one looked like.

"Why do you always have to be so gross about it!" I laughed and she smirked before popping a chip in her mouth. "That one looks like a baby," Casey continued. "That one looks like you," I pointed at a disfigured looking cloud and she gasped. "Why are you so mean to your girlfriend?" She asked, moving over so that she was completely facing me.

"Because I'm hot and I can do whatever I want."

"That you are."

And with that, she kissed me full on the lips and I kissed back with even more passion, scrunching the tuff of hair behind her neck. She moaned quietly while pushing her lips further into mine right before I broke away from her and we giggled.

"So... do you wanna go back to my place?" I asked sheepishly and she brought her hand up to rub her thumb on my cheek. "We can do anything you want," She whispered into my ear and before I could kiss her again, her phone started ringing.

"Who is it?" I asked when I saw her face drop. "Uh... it's Gretchen. I don't know why she's calling," She mumbled. My heart started to sting with anxiety but I simply nodded as she picked up the phone.

"Gretchen? Hey... oh... ummm... yeah maybe... let me get back to you on that... okay... bye..."

I bit my lip and stared at her nervously until she put the phone down. "Gretchen's having some party tonight..." She said and I pursed my lips. "Have fun..." was the only thing I knew to say and she scoffed. "She invited both of us. You feeling up to it?" She said and my eyes widened. "Really? She invited me?"

"Why would she not?"

"Maybe because I'm dating you. And you're her ex?"

"I mean... we only dated for like a week..."


"Well, she explicitly told me to bring you. It might be fun."

"Who's gonna be there?"

"I don't know Iz. We can always just stay home."

I thought about it for a while and sighed. What's the worst that could happen? "Yeah... yeah let's go..."

Casey smiled at me before kissing me on the forehead and helping me off the ground. "Paige!" She called out and Paige appeared. Her random appearances didn't scare me anymore because I had already gotten used to it.

"Could you get me and Izzie some clothes for a party?" She asked and within seconds, a pile of clothes appeared in her hands. Paige handed me a purple cropped sweatshirt with purple sweat pants and Casey had a black shirt with a red jacket. "Perfect. Thank you Paige. Don't know what we would do without you," Casey said and Paige nodded slightly before disappearing.

"And where are we going to change?" I asked and Casey took my hand before we walked back to her house.

Casey went to the kitchen to grab a drink so I stood there awkwardly until I realised that she was taking off her shirt. She noticed me staring and smirked a little before putting on her shirt and walking towards me. "You're not gonna get changed?" She asked, breaking me out of my trance. "What? Yeah... I am," I mumbled and she chuckled a little while I took my shirt off. I was glad to see that she was even more in awe than I was.

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