i like you

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Hey guys I will post today because I have things to do tomorrow so yeah anyway I just saw that I made a mistake in the last chapter I published this is what yoongi was wearing.

Hey guys I will post today because I have things to do tomorrow so yeah anyway I just saw that I made a mistake in the last chapter I published this is what yoongi was wearing

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But let start...

I got ready I put on the cloth taehyung told me to put on I don't why I have to wear this but who cares I actually like it I look pretty I started to clean taehyung room when I was done I went to the living room the couch smelled nasty.

When I was done with the living room I decided to go and make myself some food I made some egg with bacon and I made myself am ice coffee when I was done eating I went to clean all the bathrooms which they are like 5 so it going to take time.

I drop to the couch I am so tired my feets hurt and my head hurts I am tired I feel like going to sleep when I was about to close my eyes the door opened I guess taehyung is here.

"Hey yoongi" finally he calls me buy my name I stood up and bowed to him "hi sir" I said forgetting I still have the cloth he told me to put on" you look pretty" taehyung said eyeing me up and down I blushed from what he said "oh uh yeah thank you" I bowed to him again "why did you want me to put this on thought sir" I asked "well because I went to your room and saw some boring cloth so why not buy you this" He said in a calm way.

My cloth is not boring I thought "oh uh okay thank you I will be going to sleep now" I said "why not have some fun hmm" He said smirking "so you see whatever happened yesterday I am really sorry" I said looking at the floor "I mean I enjoyed it that I will like to do it someday" He said "sorry sir but I come here to work not to do that I came here to earn money and have a new life afterwards" did I sound rude on that nah i don't think so taehyung didn't say anything after that he just went straight to his room.

Taehyung pov
I don't just want him to please me I think I have developed feelings for him but of course he might think I just want to fuck him he is my maid after all not my fuck buddy I was tired from all the work I did I went to take a shower and put on only shorts then I went to dreamland.

I woke up and went to take a shower to go to work I will come home early today I will leave a sticky note for yoongi saying what he has to clean.

Yoongi pov
I woke up and decided to take a shower and get ready and then eat so I can start my day working I notice a sticky note on the counter saying that I have to clean his room, the kitchen, and his gym.

I put on my maid cloth now that it clean I went to clean the room.

Skip to when yoongi is cleaning the last thing the kitchen he had earphones on so he didn't notice taehyung coming in.

This is so hard why is this thing so tall I can't even reach I step on my tiptoes but still I couldn't i got scared because I felt hands grab around my waist and lifting me up and I saw it was taehyung "u-u-h hi sir" when I was done I told him "you can umm put me down sir thank you" I said he didn't put me down to the floor he sat me in the counter I couldn't get out because he to strong.

"Hey yoongi I wanted to tell you something" taehyung said serious am I in trouble "y-y-es sir" I stutter "do you think I only want you because of your body I know I am pervert and I am obsessed with your body it not like we are dating but you might think I accepted you because of your body I wanted a woman as a maid but when i laid eyes on you to me you look so cute, perfect, and someone that needs to be take cared of" what do I say I can't get words out my mouth "i-i don't know what to say sir" I told him.

"All I want to say is that like you and I will like you to be my boyfriend" He said is he serious is this some kind of prank "I need time to think si-" I couldn't finish that sentence because I felt lips on mine it wasn't a rough or sexual kiss it was a soft kiss I started to kiss him back we kissed for 2 minutes "I-i-i still need time sir" I said.

"It alright if you don't want to date me and just work as a maid as you told me that you only came here to work" when he said that last sentence I felt sad I knew that sounded kind of rude when I told him.

I got off the counter and went to my room and decided to think about everything all of this do I like him I feel butterflies everytime he is with me my heart beats fast but I still need time..

No this is not done yet we still need like 8 or 5 more chapters it not going to be a long story so no worries

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2021 ⏰

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