Chapter Two

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Tremendous Error.

There is no other suitable way to express my mistake.

For one, the movie I saw with Toby was just like the stories papa tells me except it was visual.

Two, Papa was nowhere to be found right now and if dad finds out, it will be the death of me.

Young teen killed by her angry of a psychiatrist father.

I think of the headline of my murder case. How ironic it would be for Sleppy Hollow since the town is all about lots of scary tales but have low crime rate.

I need to find grandpa and before midnight. Before the whole town goes to sleep including me.

Though everyone refuses to believe, me and my parents know that we are being made to sleep by someone right before Halloween eve and we only wake up on Halloween.

When first mom told me casually about it as a reason why I should go to bed. I was worried. So much.

People could fall asleep while driving and all but turns out the whole town believes they need to go to bed to dream, dreams that would actually come true and are all in bed already before whatever makes us sleep is released.

Probably the only two people who aren't already in bed right now are me and papa. Also mom. She will return on time like always though.

But papa may even sleep on the street when he hears the library clock ring at midnight.

I walk down streets seeing most lights off. I am getting more scared by each minute that passes.

Even the sound of my boots contacting with the concrete of the street startles me a bit.

I am raised to be able to control my fears and trigger things I want. Hello, confidence, where are you now.

How am I trembling because of the dark now. I take another turn trying to be very enthusiastic about finding grandpa.

When I think about it, if the law of attraction really actually works then this town has attracted ghosts, vampires, mummies and the like for years. And I know for sure the law of attraction works.

For all I know, a vampire can be behind me, a ghost stalking me and even werewolf can be living among us.

"No. No such thoughts allowed in my brain." I restrict, taking control again.

I sigh in relief when I see papa shouting up at one house. Probably the only house with the lights still on.

Noticing my fading watch papa gave me I find out we have only three minutes left. There is no way we could return back home this fast.

Maybe I should just ask the woman picking out the window to let us in.

As I inch closer I notice she has an irritated look on and no way she would let us in if I ask.

"What's the true price? What's it going to take to have my wife back?" This is so embarrassing. Papa won't even stop talking.

"Please leave my porch, old man." Her words are polite compared to her looks.

"I am so sorry. My Grandfather is just a little drank." A big fat lie. Papa never drinks. In fact, he is the healthiest man I know.

He wants to be there when his wife is finally freed from her curse and no matter long it takes he is ready to wait.

That is translation of his day to day words but a little lie won't hurt right now. "I was out trick or treating as he waited at a near by bar. Do you have anything for me."

I have no basket in my hand. Who knows how believable that came out as.

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