Chapter 13: Virenne's Fortress, Part 1

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Ragammia, Velga, and Vuro zoomed on the surface of the water with their magnabikes towards the fortress ahead. They could see it in the distance with their sensors: It was a large, square-like building with turrets in every surface and a giant cannon near the front. Every mile they moved, it came closer into view. "There's no way we can get in without being spotted." Said Vuro.
"Then let's keep going! We've come this far. You remember what Athena Said!" Ragammia shouted. The main cannon then began to turn and fire at the three speeding heroes. The bullet exploded on the water's surface and sent the three heroes forward with the ripples. It fired again in front of them and sent them into the air, and then back on the water.
"Careful you're in range of the turrets!" Said Athena, as the three heroes were suddenly being targeted by the turrets. Ragammia and his friends quickly broke off to dodge the bullets as well as the main cannon.
"I don't think we'll be able to keep this up!" Said Velga, trying his best to dodge the projectiles.
"We're almost there! Keep riding until we get to the island!" Said Ragammia.
"Wait! The security force has been enhanced with the New Maverick Virus! Bail out once you get close!" Said Athena.
"But what's underwater?" Said Velga.
"You'll be fine! I'm picking up large enemy numbers under the ocean, but you'll be able to handle them!" Said Athena.
"Quickly, jump!" As the three heroes came back together, they bailed out of their magnabikes, which crashed into various parts of the fortress. Vuro's magnabike, however, damaged the nozzle of the main cannon keeping it from shooting anything else.
"Athena, what makes us immune to the New Maverick Virus?" Said Ragammia.
"Your copy chips." She Responded.
"But that's not important right now! Get ready!" The three heroes landed on the ocean floor and spotted the dozens of Chomp Chomps, Scubatrons, Needle Spikers, and Shield Blasters waiting for them.
"Open fire!" Yelled Velga, as the three started shooting. Ragammia used his enhanced buster to easily destroy the Scubatrons, Velga's heavy buster easily one shotted he Needle Spikers and he charged the energy into his fist to break the shields of the Shield Blasters, and Vuro opened his mouth and froze all of the Chomp Chomps that came close to him. In thirty seconds, the enemies had been cleared out.
"Nice work, you three! I found a way to get into the fortress, but you'll need to break into the security room above to do so. Careful, there are Needle Spikers on the wall as well!" Said Athena.
"So we need to climb the wall and break the window?" Said Ragammia.
"This sounds like something we should be doing above water..." Said Vuro.
"Yeah...But let's move on." Said Velga. They instantly began jumping back onto the wall to scale it, Ragammia using the aerial Kasuraisu to slice the Needle Spikers attacking them.
"Wow, you're good at this! If it weren't for you, we'd wouldn't being moving twice as fast!" Said Velga.
"Thanks! But I feel bad for the lives I took from the Enertrons I encountered..." Said Ragammia.
"Ragammia, don't feel bad. They deserved it." Said Velga.
"They're Mavericks, it doesn't make sense to not fight them." Said Vuro.
"You're both right." Said Ragammia.
"I guess Dr. Light was right after all." The three soon were below the window of the security room.
"I'll take care of this." Said Ragammia. He shot the Air Slicer at the window and broke it open, sending a rush of water into the room. The Mavericks inside the room were washed into the back wall before Ragammia swam in and finished them all of the with the Dokukumo.
"Clear! The room's flooded, though." Said Ragammia, as Velga and Vuro swam in. There was an air lock leading to the next floor, but it was locked down thanks to the alarm being tripped.
"There is a broken cyber transporter near the computers. Break them and power it up with the Electromagnetic Net." Said Athena. While Velga and Vuro broke the computers (Vuro charging up his Vuro Breath and shooting a frozen icicle through the computers), Ragammia pressed his buster on the side of the transporter and let loose with his special weapon. But after he reactivated it, the transporter spotted right when he spotted powering it.
"Guys! You done?" Said Ragammia.
"Pfft." Said Velga, waiting with Vuro in front of the broken computers.
"I can only power it up while we stand on it. We won't be able to exit once we enter." Said Ragammia.
"It's find. Athena will need to find us a different entrance anyway." Said Velga.
"Yes, There is another exit." She Responded. Ragammia powered up the transporter again and warped them into cyberspace. When they arrived, however, they found a corkscrew staircase similar to the one in the Solar Plant, but with about a hundred Cyberclops Blues and Reds with Cryotrons and Scaldertrons on the stairs.
"Okay, team! Let's rock and roll!" Said Velga, as Ragammia using the Chipondo, grounded Kasuraisu, and the Kuronami to deal with the enemies while Velga and Vuro opened fire on the enemies. They soon got past all the enemies, but Vuro's arm had spotted working.
"Oh no..." Said Ragammia.
"Don't worry." Said Vuro, drinking a sub tank he had filled up with his life energy.
"You have a sub tank?" Said Ragammia.
"We both got one from Athena." Said Velga, collecting life energy from the dead enemies and Ragammia collected weapon energy.
"There's the exit." The Heroes used He next cyber transporter to exit cyberspace and found themselves inside the fortress. Ragammia saw the surface turrets outside the window.
"Where's the lighting?" Said Velga.
"Aside from the windows." Suddenly, a shutter closed the windows and the room became completely dark aside from a few lights on. There was a figure in silhouette inside the capsule with Virenne's logo on it. A cloaked figure stood next to it and turned around, revealing the ugly face of Virenne herself.
"Virenne!" Yelled Velga.
"You stupid traitor!" Said Vuro.
"It seems you brought your friends, Ragammia. It was disappointing that my Enforcers couldn't kill you then. But that is of little concern to me now; I have designed a new toy for you three to play with." Said Virenne, peering at the capsule.
"Get up. It's time." The figure opened its eyes that were as red as those of a corrupted maverick, but weren't completely red and the irises were visible. Lasers suddenly flashed from the glass, and a Maverick bearing Virenne's symbol on his forehead broke out of his capsule. When Ragammia looked at him again, he realized that the maverick had a hole in place of the iris in his left eye, danger teeth, feet resembling blades, and an extra finger on each hand. He was grinning with a crazy looked that made the three fighters tremble.
"Barrage! Destroy these three obstacles!" Said Virenne, teleporting away.
"Hee hee hee. I'm gonna murder you all!" Said Barrage, two busters appearing on each of his arms.
"Try it. We're not scared of you!" Said Velga.
"Velga..." Whispered Vuro. Barrage suddenly began firing his Barrage Laser at the team, which Velga and Vuro were forced to dodge with Ragammia. Velga tried his best to dodge Barrage's attack, but was hit by a few lasers before throwing a punch at Barrage, who dodged it by doing a backflip before Velga attempted to dogpile him. But Barrage quickly threw him off and blasted him in the chest before dodging the projectiles of the others.
"Velga!" Yelled Vuro, as Velga clutched his chest in pain. Barrage then charged toward Ragammia with a red beam saber emerging from his buster, but Vuro instead got in the way and saved Ragammia before being thrown to the side. Both brothers had a hole in their chest and had half of their health taken out. Barrage then charged at Ragammia next, but Ragammia was prepared and countered with his own saber.
"I will crush all your hopes and dreams! I'll show you what a real maverick looks like! Ha ha ha!" Said Barrage before jumping backwards and trying to hit him with his Barrage Laser.
"Ragammia! Use the Ice Rocket or Kuronami!" Said Athena.
"Velga and Vuro will join you once they regain consciousness!" Said Athena, as Velga and Vuro had fallen unconscious because of the sudden wave of pain.
"Barrage, right? You seem off the deep end, so let me give you some deep freezing to go along with that!" Said Ragammia, shooting the Ice Rocket. But Barrage easily dodged the projectile and began dashing toward Ragammia with his saber and trying to cut him from every side. But Ragammia froze him solid with the Kuronami after parrying his many blows.
"I don't think he's done..." Said Ragammia, as the ice around Barrage broke and he continued smiling at him crazily. He then began spinning around with his two busters, forcing Ragammia to dodge them by hopping onto the nearby wall. He then fired the Ice Rocket, which froze Barrage solid once more when he paused. But Barrage once again broke out with a devilish grin but his time fired a bomb that stuck to the wall and made a tremendous explosion that blew Ragammia right off the wall before he was cut down to size with his saber.
"Hee hee hee. You're dead!" Said Barrage, preparing to blast Ragammia with his Barrage Laser. But he was interrupted as two projectiles knocked him in the back. Ragammia managed to get up then and seen what had happened, and was surprised to find Velga and Vuro with their dragon armor on. Velga was taller than Ragammia and had two back horns sticking out of the back of his head, with his entire body orange. His tail was thick with multiple points while his claws appeared to be slightly bigger and thicker than the rest of his body and his underbelly was black. Vuro, on the other hand, was almost as tall as Athena and had a white underbelly with a blue body and blue claws. His tail had no spear, but his lower jaw was white in contrast to his blue body.
"Velga! Vuro! You two are okay!" Said Ragammia.
"Hell yeah, we are!" Said Velga.
"We used our sub tanks before Athena gave us our armor!" Said Vuro. But Barrage suddenly began to stand up as a red aura surrounded him.
"Power up!" He Yelled, as he clapped his hands together and formed a single, giant buster.
"Scatter!" Yelled Velga, as the three dragonic Enertrons separated and Barrage fired a giant laser that began burning through the wall and that the three struggled to dodge.
"You're not going anywhere!" Yelled Barrage, as he separated his reverted hands and summoned two sabers through his busters before charging at Ragammia and dash-jumping off the wall to get him. But Ragammia let him have it with his electric breath, which stunned Barrage as he fell to the floor. Ragammia then froze Barrage with the Ice Rocket, Velga stomped on him, and Vuro chomped his right arm off.
"GRRAAAAH!" He yelled, as he was no longer smiling.
"Guys! Let's try a triple charge shot and blow him away!" Said Ragammia.
"I'm game." Said Vuro.
"I'll show him the way to hell!" Yelled Velga. The trio then practiced a technique they harmed performed several times in the training room: Velga charged at Barrage, dodging his lasers with his charged fist, and Vuro and Ragammia shot a charged shot with their mouth/buster that combined and hit Barrage at the same time as Velga's fist, Barrage screaming in pain as a giant explosion rang out. When the smoke cleared, Barrage's remains were lying on the ground along with his weapon data. Ragammia's body turned red as he absorbed it.
"I didn't expect Barrage to have a weapon and technique...but his Barrage Laser is a rapid firing shield Piercer while his Rezasupure should power up your saber combo if you charge it enough." Said Athena.
"Roger! We're heading out." Said Ragammia.
"C'mon, you two. Let's take care of this business." Said Ragammia, as the three headed toward the open boss door on the other side of the room. But it closed on them before they could use.
"What?" Said Vuro, wheeling around. He gasped as Barrage was still standing, but bleeding all over.
"Heh heh heh...I got one last present for you deadbeats..." He said, as his entire body exploded and a bunch of red orbs came out. Another white explosion enveloped the room, the three heroes getting engulfed in the blast.

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