Chapter 1

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Y/N: Dear diary, the date is January 1st at 12:02 A.M., and I am now officially 16 years old, and it is also New Year. Goodbye 2031 and Hello 2032!!! Now that I am 16 I will be getting something that connects me and my soulmate, I just don't know when though. Until tomorrow ❤️ y/n.

Mom: Honey, come downstairs, it's time for cake.

Y/N: Coming!

*As soon as you turn the corner, your family starts to sing*

Everyone: Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear y/n, happy birthday to you!!! Chachacha

Y/N: thanks everyone

G-pa: Now hurry up y/n, blow out the candles, your gramps needs some cake!

Y/N: okay, I just need a minute to think of my wish.

* you take a deep breath and say your wish in your head*

Y/n mind: I wish that my soulmate is Kind, Loyal, and Cute.

*with a big exhale, you blow out the candles*

G-pa: Finally, now we can have some cake! Also y/n why did it take you so long to blow out the candles??

G-ma: geez Gus, give her a break, it's her 16th birthday and you know what that means right, or did you forget?

G-pa: yeah, I know what happens on a person's 16th birthday. Gosh! I was just teasing here.

G-ma: okay, whatever you say.

Mom: Okay, let's lighten up the mood with some cake!

Y/N: yeah, I'm hungry

*After everyone had their belly's filled with yummy cake the families decide to go home, well they would love to see you open your gifts they still had a long day ahead of them, they just  asked that you send a video of you opening up their gift*

Mom: by mom have a safe drive home, and please be careful on the reads with all the snow.

G-ma: okay we will, love you honey, and you to pumpkin. See you in a couple of months for your mom's birthday. Also y/n hope you have a great rest of your day.

Y/N: okay thanks G-ma I will, and I will see you and you too gramps in a couple of months for my mom's birthday.

G-pa: okay well we better get going, Love you guys, bye.

*As soon as the door closes behind them, you plop yourself onto the couch and let out a deep sigh, and fall asleep right away*

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