Chapter 1: The meeting

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You were late. So late.

You see you were a employee at a cat café called Cats and coffee. The business has been around for 5 years, but you only started working last year. You are a Junior in high school and God was it hectic.

As you were driving to your job there was a wreak. It wasn't a bad wreak and lucky you weren't in it it was 4 cars in front of you. A big tracker trailer truck had hit the side railing was dangling very close to the edge. You know what I take back about what I said about it not being bad that was bad for you and the driver but mostly the driver.

'I hope their okay. Ugh! I'm going to be so dead. My manager is going to kill me!'

After about 30 minutes of waiting traffic could finally start going again just not as fast and luckily the driver was safe.

{Time skip}

As you ran inside for work basically throwing on your apron and little hat you ran to the back. While you were running people were giving you a funny look but then just brushed it off.

You ran to your managers office you calmed down a bit just to look less hectic than you already did. You straightened up your outfit and hat a bit to look more professional. Then you walked through the door to see your manager.

.... singing?

' Why is he singing?'

"Uh, Felix sorry I'm late. Also what are you doing?"

You could have sworn you saw that man jump 4 feet in the air. Then he turned and saw you and smiled.

" H-hey {Name}. Heh what cha doing? he he." He asked.

He seems to be in a good mood. I wonder why? Oh well if I play my cards right I can get away with being late.

"Oh, uh I didn't see you out on the floor so I came to see how your doing and tell you good afternoon." You said.

"Oh, why thank you for coming to check up on me. Your so kind. It's so cute!" Felix says.

" Well. Thank you? You seem in a happy mood what happened?" You asked.

"Oh, we have a famous young actress coming to our café. It's so cool! Her name is Violet Dwarsen. Heard of her? She's so pretty but I think you prettier." He says with a wink.

Did he just do what I think he did? Why is this guy flirting with me. It's weird it kinda makes me uneasy. Oh well I'll just play it cool.

"Yeah I have heard of her. She is very beautiful. Didn't she play the doctor in that one episode of Jujitsu kaisen?" You say.

"Yep!" Felix said back with a smile.

"Welp I got to get back to work see ya later." I said leaving.

"Okay bye!" He says.

Well that was weird.

{Time skip}

After dealing with a few old cat ladies and Karen's with their embarrassed teen children pulling them away got old. Quick. You were already getting a bit grumpy. When you were sitting down for a second for your  break a cat named Ash hops up into your lap and curls up and sleeps as you pet it. Which this calms you down and makes you happier.

Then one of the other employees came  rushing towards you. You think their name was Jazmin.

" {Name}! Get Felix! Shes here! She's here!" They practically scream.

" Okay." Is all you say. Then you move the cat off and walk to the manager office. You knock on the door.

" Yes? Who is it?" You hear Felix say from behind the door.

"It's me {Name} and Violet is here." You manage to get out until the door flings open. Then you see a blue hair man sprinting towards the floor.

What a weird guy.

You casually walk back out onto the main floor working on the dirty tables and cleaning them.

You felt a pair of eyes on you. It weirded you out surely but you just keep working brushing it off as some kid staring at you.

Oh how wrong you were. It was Violet that was staring at you from the entrance. When she first laid eyes on you she felt a surge of electricity shoot up her spine.

'Is this love?' . You were so enticing and you drew her in every second she would look at you.

' She's so pretty! Wow! I would if I could talk to her normally.' 

As she and her two bodyguards walked up to the register she could see people going mental ballistic from her appearance. I mean she is very pretty.

As you finished cleaning off the table you went back to the back and grabbed a bowl of cat food. While walking back out to the main floor you saw Ash staring at Violet with curiosity in his eyes.

' Heh, same little guy. Same.'.

When you say down the cat food another cat named Kikuo came running towards you.  She hasn't seen you all day so she was happy to see you. She was like Ash, acted as if they were you own pet.

" Hey Kikuo. What chu doing?" She say while stroking the cat. She looks up at you and meows. You chuckle a little.

' Wow! She has such a beautiful voice! I could listen to her all day just rambling on about anything and everything! Wait that's creepy! I just meet her even then I've never talked to her! But she is really pretty.' Violet was thinking hard while she and her bodyguards we're waiting for their coffee's. The reason why I say "their" and coffee's" is because Violet insisted that they get some refreshments also.

When their coffee's are done you and you manager are the ones to take it to them. You manager held the bodyguards coffee's while you held Violets.

When you got there you handed Violet the coffee and then started to walk away. But Violet had other plans she wanted to talk to you so she tried to get your attention again.

"Hey! Wait! Can I talk with you?" She asked. You were scared because you thought she was going to be mad at the coffee you made. But you were wrong.

"Yeah? Sure." You said back.

{To be continued!}

{ Hello there dear reader just wanted to check up on you guys how are all of you guys doing? If you haven't please drink some water or eat. Hope you guys have a good day or night. Bye! The amazing person that gave me the idea to write this story is @Yanderesimp}

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