Chapter 9

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Maeve's Pov

I woke up feeling really warm, looking up I saw Jax. I slowly got up and went to get dressed. I picked out a light purple dress that reached to the top of my knees, a cropped jean jacket and black wedges. I decided to just put on eye liner and mascara. Leaving my hair down and just pinning my bangs back. Walking back into my room I saw that Jax was still asleep, I decided to let him sleep in and went downstairs to get us both some breakfast.

Grabbing a couple of granola bars I headed back up to my room for the last time. Walking into my room I saw that Jax wasn't in bed I started to wonder where he was. All of a sudden I felt arms wrap around me and I felt safe telling me it was Jax. Turning around in his hold I looked up and smiled at him, he returned it and moved a piece of air behind my ear. We leaned in a little closer and soon we were kissing. It was even better than before. After a few minutes of making out I pulled back.

"We should get to school." I said. He nodded and I got my things ready and we went back downstairs. My mom was sitting at the table with Michael, Madison and Addison. Yeah, twin girls and similar names are cliché I know but that was my mother. Seeing me both of the twins ran and would have knocked me down if it wasn't for Jax. I hugged them back knowing that it would be a while before I saw them again.

"We're going to miss you, promise you'll call." Madison said.

"I'm going to miss you too, and I'll call you as much as I can. Promise." I said. letting them go I looked up and saw Michael standing there not really knowing what to do. Walking over to him I pulled him into a hug. He stiffened at first but then he hugged back. Pulling away I gave him a smile and he returned it. People thought that we didn't like each other because we didn't talk, but that wasn't true. We were actually really close and we didn't need words to communicate.

"Oh, my baby. I'm so sorry that you're having to go through this." Mom said. I just shook my head and pulled her into a hug. She clung to me and I knew she was trying to keep her tears at bay, I was trying to do the same. Letting her mother go I gave her a watery smile, walking back to Jax and taking his hand we left.

Once I got into Jax's 2012 white Ford Explorer, my car was destroyed by the rogue, I let my tears fall. Jax took my hand and let me cry. It wasn't because he couldn't deal with it, ok so maybe that could be true, but it was also because I needed to. I pulled myself together just before we got to school. Jax gave me a smile and got out and coming around to open my door and help me out. Smiling at him I took my things and he grabbed my hand, turning around we saw that a majority of the school was staring at us.

Letting it go we went inside and headed to first his locker then mine. Opening my locker I saw a note but made sure to hide it from Jax. Shutting my locker door after I was done, I turned around to see my main tormentor. Sutton stood there with a smirk on her face and I knew that she knew what was going on. Rolling my eyes I moved to go around her but she of course stopped me. Looking down at the hand on my arm I looked back up I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Heard you got your mate. So who's the poor guy?" Sutton asked with a smirk. I just wanted to smack the absolute hell out of the bitch. Whoa, that's new.

"First get your disgusting slut hands off of me and secondly yes I got my mate and its Jax. Or didn't you know that after sleeping with my cousin and overhearing my lovely Aunt Marnie on the phone?" I said the last bit sarcastically. But from the blush both she and Brighton were wearing, it was true. Oh, gross.

"What the hell did you just say to me?" Sutton asked putting more pressure on my arm.

"You heard me Sutton, now remove your hand before I do it for you." I said calmly. A crowd was starting to form, but from the scent it was mostly wolves, seeing as how the bell had rung for homeroom already.

"Wow, looks like the half-breed has a backbone. Well let me tell you something Maeve, we don't care who your mate is. You're still the loser who had a weak human for a father. And don't think for a second that any of us believe that you took out a rouge." Sutton said. Now I'm officially pissed. Do whatever the hell you want to me, but don't bring my father into this. I get that he was a human but that doesn't give anyone the excuse to talk about him like that.

"I'm only going to say this once so listen really closely Sutton. I don't give a shit about what you think. And for the record my father might have been a human but he wasn't weak and if you ever say anything about him like that again so help me I am going to beat the ever loving shit out of you." I growled. Several people gasped. No one had expected me to say that. Well, neither did I but, things happen.

"Bullshit, you wont do anything." Sutton said. Oh, bitch about to go down. I smiled at her then punched her. Her head snapped to the side with the force and when she looked back at me, she had a shocked look on her face. I could distinctly hear Brighton, Jamie and Zane laughing. That reminds me, walking over to them I glared and they shut-up. I couldn't take it anymore and I started laughing at them and hugged all three of them.

Pulling back they all had the same look of shock on their face. Still laughing I turned and saw Jax with a smirk on his face but his shoulders were tense telling me that something was wrong. I started to walk to him when it happened.

"You're such a slut, first your mate is the soon-to-be alpha of the Blue Moon Pack and then you go and throw yourself at Brighton, Zane and Jamie." I heard Sutton say. I stopped and the smirk on Jax's face slid off of his face and he became even more tensed, like he was holding his wolf in. Shit, he was. I turned around and saw Sutton with a smirk on her face but a red mark on her left cheek. Huh, that should have already healed.

"Brighton is my cousin and Jamie and Zane are just friends. They've all treated me like I belonged when the rest of you went out of your way to make me feel unwelcome. Well, you got your wish, I'm not in your pack anymore and I could honestly say that I don't give a shit about what you think. Sure I used to but that was before I came to the conclusion that you just don't like me because you think I'm a freak. Well guess what, we all are. We turn into wolves for shits sake. That isn't normal. And you shouldn't be calling people that name Sutton, especially when you've slept with over half of the guys in the school." I said. I turned around and saw that Jax had relaxed and that he had a smile on his face. Good. But we were so having a talk about him being jealous when we got home.

Taking his hand I walked with him down the hall to wait for the bell to ring and stood outside the door. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and I sighed. Nothing has ever made me feel this safe and secure. Not even my mom. But I knew that this was just the beginning of people trying to get in the way. But I knew that with Jax by my side I could take whatever came.

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