🌸ℂ𝕙.𝟙𝟚|𝔹𝕒𝕕 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤 ℙ𝕥.𝟚

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"I believe I have taught you everything by now," Sensei Wu told his students, opening his eyes and meeting gaze with each.

"Come on Master Wu, you can't just cliffhang us with that!" Jay complained, crossing his arms over his chest and giving him a disapproving look.

"There's no point in telling lessons that have already been learned," Sensei Wu justified.

"Hey guys! Sensei (Y/n) says she'll tell us the second part after dinner," Cole called, already chewing on some of his dinner as he walked by. He had gone to the kitchen to see how Zane was doing, and overheard (Y/n)s narration. Her point of view was different, but she told everything in far more detail than Wu did.

"All right!" Jay cheered, scrambling up the ground and almost tripping before he regained his balance.

After dinner had been served, Sensei Wu and (Y/n) started to talk about other things. Post the serpentine war, (Y/n) began to talk about the events that followed. "To celebrate our unexpected victory, the elemental master alliance decided to host a party," She told the ninja, who found her more interesting after having heard her tales.

"A party? Wow, I bet it was wild," Jay commented, causing (Y/n) to laugh.

"I guess you could say that," (Y/n) told him, glancing at Sensei Wu, who feels like a great trouble is upon him as (Y/n) starts her narration. She closed her eyes and took a breath in, trying to recall that day. "I was standing at the entrance of the monastery," (Y/n) begun.

"What were you doing there?" Lloyd asked

"Well," (Y/n) uttered, suddenly smiling at Lloyd, but deciding to break his gaze and looked down at her tea cup instead.


"Oh, I was just.." (Y/n) uttered, taking a deep breath and looking forward. The cold breeze blew as she closed her eyes, feeling mentally tired. The anacondrai were formidable opponents, and the villages were still dealing with the aftermath. In her opinion, the last thing the elemental master alliance should have doing was throwing a party.

"You're not leaving, right (Y/n)?" Garmadon asked, walking to her and stopping by her side.

"I just want to leave quietly before something else happens," (Y/n) explained.

"Come on, nothing's going to happen. Let's go inside," Garmadon encouraged, taking (Y/n)s hand and back inside either way. (Y/n) did not protest; she did not want to leave, not when the man she loved hadn't said a word to her all night. That hesitation planted her feet at the doors like the roots of a tree, which refused to move until it's blooms bloomed.
"Hey, look who's back!" Garmadon announced as he and (Y/n) came in, hand in hand before (Y/n) left go of his and casually waved to everyone. Wu turned around to see what that announcement was about, and saw Garmadons grin directed at him. Wu blushed and looked away when he saw (Y/n) was with him.

"Master of wind, I thought you left long ago!" Maya called, and soon (Y/n) was surrounded and drawn into conversations by those who adored her.

"Hey Maya~, oh and Master of wind, how you ladies doing?" Ray, casually walking by with a smile, asked.

"I'm fine, thank you," (Y/n) replied politely, she knew he wasn't here for her. Maya smiled at him, and they both started a nice conversation between them. Feeling like the third wheeler, (Y/n) decided to excuse herself and went over to another table to take a seat at.

From far away across the monastery's outside training ground that was filled with tables, and used as the pasty's ground, someone couldn't take his golden eyes off of (Y/n). "You know, she's not talking to anyone right now," Garmadon said, taking a seat next to his brother.

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