Chapter 1

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Brooke walked down the hall to her dance class with her dance friend Madison. They weren't really popular at their performing arts school, but they also didn't want the fame and glory. They most likely always snuck down the hall and tried not to be noticed, or have attention draw to them.

"So Brooke, what do you plan to do after school?" Madison asked Brooke while Brooke took her shirt off and stuffed it in her gym locker. "Well, I have to practice for dance, like always." Brooke said closing her locker. Madison smirked. "You know what?" Brooke looked over. "What?" Madison had a cherry red blush, "I totally saw Nolan Betts checking you out this morning right before math." Madison said. Brooke laughed, "Yeah Right! He's they most popular boy in school, no way he'd want me. Besides, he was probably looking at someone next to me. "Please, the only person next to you, was me. And their is no way, he was looking at me!" Madison said. They both laughed.

The coach called the girls in their and they both practiced for about two hours. Then soon after practice, they hopped in the shower and changed back into their school clothes. They went to their school lockers and got ready for next period. Soon enough Nolan Betts was at Brooke's locker. "Hello, Brooke." Nolan said charming. "Hi." Brooke mumbled. "So, are you busy after school toda-" Brooke cut him off. "Look if it was a dare, then don't even bother. " Brooke walked away leaving Nolan abandoned in front off about twenty people. Nolan felt embarrassed and chased after Brooke. Luckily, he had next class with her. He sat behind her.

In class, Nolan scribbled notes to Brooke.
What I was saying was are you busy after school today?
No. Why do you care?
Because you seem cool and I'd like to get to know you better.
Ha! Me? Cool? You must have the wrong girl!
Nope! Why do you doubt yourself?
I don't, it's just that people like you, don't talk to people like me.
I'm no different from you.
Yes you are!
For one, your popular and I'm not, for two your cute and I'm I need to go on?
Oh so you think I'm cute?? ;)
Ugh! I didn't mean it like that!
Come on!
Stop twisting my words
Yes! I'll pick you up at 6:00?;)
I guess. But I must be home by 8:30!
What's your adress??
1206 twelve oaks court
Okay! I love you!
No you don't
Yes I do

Later that night Brooke went home and picked out and outfit. She wore a flowered Aeropostale whomper, with some black sandals and curled her hair. She heard her doorbell ring and she flombered down the stairs. Her dad answered. Her dad was her bestfriend along with her mom, so they were encouraging this date, but Brooke wasn't.

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