Somehow (Paul imprint story) Ch 20

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 Mavis’s POV

After that tiring little conversation at the beach, Paul drove us back to the house in silence. Neither of us wanted to speak and the air around us was tense and almost suffocating.

All I could do was look out the window and tried my best to avoid Paul’s curious gaze.


I gave a small hum in response and I heard Paul cleared his throat.


Interested, I shifted my neck to sneak a look at the murmuring Paul. My heart ached at sight of him and I wanted so badly, to be away from him. I was terrified at the change that Paul has brought me. Rejections had never troubled me before; I was carefree and didn’t give a damn about the people that left me. I was fine with it. I accepted it, but now…

Everything I worked so hard for is breaking down to pieces…just because of him…

All of a sudden, I was angry at Paul, angry at his presence and our meetings. Although, deep down, I was angry at myself for breaking down and losing the rules I have living by so easily.

Annoyed and frustrated, I took out my iPod and asked Paul half-heartedly, “Do you mind?” Paul swiftly gave me a look and saw my iPod and for a brief second, emotions flickered through his eyes so quickly that I couldn’t quite catch what it was.

Was it disappointment? Annoyance? Anger? Relief?

He shook his head and returned his focus back on the road. I nodded him my thanks and plugged my ear buds in as music smoothed their ways through my brain and relaxed me.

I am sorry, Paul…I am just being selfish, allow me to…just this once.

I closed my eyes and slowly drift off to a world where this kind of pain will never exists.


“Mavis, wake up.” A husky voice called out to me and I blinked rapidly to get used to my surroundings again. “Mavis.”

“…Mmm, I am alive…” I mumbled as I stumbled out the car. Paul gave a slight laugh at my comment as he helped me out and I thanked him politely. His warm hand was wrapped tightly around my arm and I could feel the burning sensation running up and down my arm. I slithered out of his grip as I raced up the steps, yelling for Aidan.

“Aidan! I am back!”

I wandered up to the room that we shared last night and was sneaking my head in when…



“Gotcha, didn’t I?”

I turned around to face Aidan and saw him clutching his tummy and laughing on the ground. I narrowed my eyes at him and his childish acts.

This was how we first met each other…Him randomly jumping out from behind me…

I bit my lips to stop me from smiling as I recalled those memories. Sure, Aidan might be childish, flirty, annoying and weird, but he was the only one that had stayed with me during the most difficult times. Plus, he always made me laugh.

Maybe it won’t be so bad to stay with him and his family.

“How old are you, Aidan?”

“Almost 18…why?”

I gave him a blank look and patted his head, messing with his freshly gelled up hair. Aidan scowled and slapped my hand away.

“Really? Are you sure you are not 8?”

“Shut up.”

“Ha, real mature.” I scoffed back and saw Aidan slowly breaking into one of his bright cheerful grins.

“So sis, decided yet?” Aidan asked as he flopped down onto the bed.

I nodded and forced myself to look at Aidan in the eyes. “Yes, I will come with you.”

Aidan looked shocked for a moment and instantly positioned himself at a sitting position.  “Really? You will come?”

I nodded again and began collecting my scattered items in the room. “Which is why you should start packing because your clothes are everywhere.”

“When are we leaving?” Aidan questioned as he, to my surprise, began to pick up his mess from the floor.

I paused from my action and considered the question thoroughly.

When can we leave? I would like to leave now but that would be too sudden…


I searched around the room, unsure of how to answer his question.

“How about…After the bonfire tonight?”

My eyes landed back on Aidan.

After the bonfire…probably the best time to leave…This might be the smartest idea that Aidan had came up with since I met him…

“Sure, start packing then.”

I went back to tidying up my suitcase and realized that if I wasn’t waiting to leave La Push and Paul already, I would be curious to wonder about Aidan’s reason to leave this place in such a hurry.

Aidan’s POV

I breathed in relief as Mavis returned to her packing. I was glad that she didn’t say anything about me wanting to leave so eagerly. I wouldn’t know how to answer her. Would I be able to tell her than I saw lots of wolves and a pale and sparkly man in La Push? And that she was also in the middle of their fights?

Nope. Probably not. I might end up getting slapped by her.

I shuddered at the thought of the wolves, sparkly white man and Mavis slapping me. I would like to leave this creepy place as soon as possible. The only thing that I could be thankful for was that Mavis finally agreed to come with me.  I sped up my tidying-up skills and even managed to help Mavis closed her suitcase.

Helping Mavis out when she needs it reminded me of the times when I used to be someone’s older brother. I missed that. To be honest, I wished that I never had to grow up.

Somehow, meeting Mavis and her random burst of temper, managed to help me focus in the real world. Mavis acted like a constant reminder to me. Her presence allowed me to stay awake, mainly due to the fact that I felt the need to look after and protect her.

I guess when you realised you could be useful in someone’s life; you learn to appreciate yourself a lot more.

As I looked out the window into the woods, I couldn’t help but grimaced at the thought of wolves again.

I swear if I do not leave this place soon, I will be tortured to death. 

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