[1] New Town

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Lucy's POV

"Do you like your new room, Lucy?" I gave my father a genuine smile and nod my head. I really liked my new room, it was smaller compared to our old mansion but this is perfect for me, all of my things fit and I have enough space for myself.

Moving out of the mansion was bittersweet, I don't want to move out to the home I shared with my mother, but the more I stay in there, we are reminded of her and eventually of how slowly we lost her. 

My daddy, Jude,  was very supportive with my coping up, I know it was hard for him to let me move out but he allowed it anyway. He on the other hand can't let go of the mansion, thus he decided I could move out to a different town and he'll stay in the mansion, it is also easier to him to continue his business in that way.

The agreement is that he'd let me move out with two of his trusted employees, my personal butler, now my body guard, Capricorn and a very reliable house assistant, Virgo. Second is that he is free to visit me anytime and even without early notice. Both is fine with me anyway, I love both Capricorn and Virgo and I honestly admit to myself that I'd miss my old man too. 

My room is entirely the second floor of the house, it has a cozy living room space, my bed beside the window, a mini kitchen and my own personal bathroom. While the first floor has two bedrooms; one for each of my chaperones, a kitchen, a bathroom and a visitors lounge. 

I loved the house in its entirety, it almost feels like I am living on my own. "Take care daddy," I waved goodbye at my father's car as it gets farther, he left as soon as I've settled down. 

After lunch, I asked Virgo if I could accompany her in getting groceries, I wanted to look around the town as well, "Sure, princess. Do you want to buy anything too?" 

Virgo was always this sweet, she was just a few years older than me, she was a scholar by my parents but decided to stay with us after my mother, Layla got sick. My mother was the one who made her a scholar, that is why Virgo respected and loved my mother so much.

"No, I just to see the town, but maybe we can grab something sweet," as soon as we are about to leave, Capricorn offered to accompany us, but I politely refuse him. Capricorn and Virgo are siblings, but Capricorn is way older than Virgo. This is why I really felt comfortable around the two, they treat me like their youngest sibling. 

The town was peaceful, there are stores for all sorts, café, boutiques, salons, shoe stores, jewelry shops, and even book stores. "Do you want to check the bookstore?" Virgo suggested and even if I though I wouldn't buy anything, Virgo really knows me well. The books around were all interesting, I ended up getting  a pair of books. 

At the grocery, I was already occupied by walking and reading a book, I was following Virgo through my peripheral vision, until I bumped into her, "Why did you stop so suddenly Virgo?"

"Sorry miss," wait, that's not Virgo's voice, I look up and saw a guy, he has a pink hair and wearing a jacket, it looks like a varsity jacket of Fairy High, and with him was a white cat in blue knitted shirt.

"Sorry, I though I was following my friend," I honestly told him, I was about to leave but I don't know where to find Virgo, this grocery is real big, now I regret not letting Capricorn tag along. "Are you lost?" The guys carefully asked me.

"I think I am," I said and he walked beside me, "You're new here, aren't you? he asked again.

I simple nod my head, it was a little awkward to walk beside him but it was also strange because I feel safe around him. Everyone seemed to know him, some girls and boy of our age greet him every once in a while, seems like he has a good reputation.

We walked over a few aisle, his cat as sleeping peacefully in his arm, a few teens we passed called him captain, maybe that explains why he looked like a pretty boy who is a real jock that I've only seen on movies. 

"Lucy! Oh I was about to call big brother," Virgo rushed towards me an gave me a hug, I almost laugh at her and path her back to calm her down, my eyes wondered to look at him, he just stood there as he watch me hug Virgo.

"Looks like your safe now," He said and with that Virgo broke from the hug, "Thank you for accompanying my princess, thank you!" Virgo said and even bow in front of him, I think I blushed when he smiled after hearing Virgo calling me princess, this is so embarrassing.

I mean, I'm not really a princess, we are sort of rich because of my daddy's business but that's all, I'm not at any sort of a royalty. But I cant seem to make myself speak and explain to him.

"Well, see you around, princess." he said as he walked away and approached a raven haired guy, he was also wearing a varsity jacket but it was in a different color. They walked out of the grocery after grabbing a few drinks, and the salmon haired guy with the cat left my vision.

Virgo and I continued to do the grocery, this time I pay attention to her than the book so I won't get lost, we after that visit a café to grab some sweets for the afternoon.

"One large cappuccino and one strawberry milk shake," I ordered in the counter, the barista was a man with a red facial markings, he was very attentive at his job until a girl entered the café, he paused at placing my orders and watch as the red hair girl looked over the cake displays, "She's really pretty," I said partly to tease him, but it is really true. 

"Yes she is, uhm sorry I spaced out," he cleared his throat and continued punching my order. I payed for it and sit with Virgo in our table, I watch as the red head girl place her order, the barista was blushing in the short time they talked, it was really sweet. 

The red head girl was then joined by a rushing blue haired girl, she was running late I guess. I was busy observing them as the shorter girl show off her new books, I really wanted to listen to their girl talk, its really tempting for me.

When we went home, Virgo did tell Capricorn about what happened, and as the big brother, he instead to always accompany us next time. There's a first time for everything, I guess it was also the fist time I was almost lost.


I'm sorry about leaving home, but I think I'm ready to start a new. And I enjoyed the town so far, there are a lot of really interesting place to visit and the people around here seems really nice. I hope I can fit well in this town.

Tomorrow, first day in a new school. I wish you're here to wish me luck.

Love, Lucy


note: I know it's kind weird, but I've chosen to let Lucy and her father have a good relationship && I really wanted to include Lucy's celestial spirits on the story, so I hope you guys won't mind if someday I make up names for the rest of the signs.

I'd try to update weekly, or something as consistent as that.

Happy Reading, xoxo

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