[20] Winning the battle

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Winning the battle, Losing the war Part I

Natsu's POV

"Pass the ball, Dragneel!" Coach's voice reach me but I do not plan to pass the ball to anyone right now, "What, Dragneel? Can't even listen to your coach?" the Saber captain is in front of me, in my peripheral vision other team members are being cornered as well but I am certain I can make a shot.

"You got the wrong girl," I said while continuing to dodge his attempts to steal the ball.

He looked confused and raised a brow at me, "I can't be wrong, that girl was the only girl you look so lovey dovely with," he then smirked at me.

"Lucy is a friend," I said and finally dodged him and took a shot at the range for two points.

"Lets Go Fairies, For the Win!" The cheer echoed in the stadium, the ball was passed back to me and once again Sting moved quickly to corner me.

He looked behind me, but I know that directly behind me is the fairy high cheering squad, "I really wish he cheers for me, if she's just a friend, mind if I take her from you?" 

I was taken a back by his question and he was able to get the ball, he ran past me and I had the opportunity to glance at Lucy's place, she was currently lifted and she's waiving the Fairy High's basketball team flag, a lot of people were actually enjoying their little stunts in the bleachers.

"Focus, captain!" Alzack tapped my back, "I know how you feel, Bisca looks even more beautiful when she's cheering hard for me," Alzack said and moved on to focus on the game.

After a few points of gain in both teams, the coach called for a time out, "Dragneel, take a break first, I'll put back in the last 10 minutes," I didn't object and followed the coach this time since I was exhausted.

I was left alone in the bench, looking up in the crowd, it was hard to find Lisanna's spot, I can hear a lot of Fairy High students doing their best to cheer for us, the score is currently, 65-71 in favor of the other school.

"Water break captain?" Mary sat on the same bench and gave me a bottle of water.

"It's not from Lucy, but still a water," she said teasingly, I drank the water anyway, "She really is working herself there," I commented. 

"It was easier to cheer for the team, we appreciate you guys working hard," the cheer captain said while getting up, "Alright, Imma get back to work, while you rest and get ready for the final game!" Mary continued.

"By the way, it was hard to convince Lucy to get down and rest, so do your best and win this one captain," she then left and joined the cheer squad to hype up the audience more.

I just sat in the bench for the rest of my ten minute time out, such unusual for a captain to leave the court in the heat of the game, but I admit I needed this the most. 

Getting out of the court did help me to get rid of my exhaustion but I'm still fired up, sitting not so far from me in the bench is that stupid rose that Eucliffe got for Luce, I was too tempted to throw it while she's busy in her routines, but I decided to ignore the flowers instead, before I know it Lucy herself will get rid it.

While I was out, the Saber team called for a time out, and in turn we get to re-group as well.

"Maybe it's time to get you back on the game," coach said looking at me, I agreed and listened to his plan,  in order to win, we have to really target three pointer shots, we are behind by 8 points now in 68-75.

I took a glance at the cheering squad, Mary, Lucy and Bisca were preparing for their next routine, for months of sharing the court with them, I already know what they were up to, this particular routine is the one that I hate the most.

A high-pitched sound of whistle echoed in the court, signaling the resume of the game, and on cue, the chant of Fairy high followed.

In position was Lucy being lifted on the shoulder of that Sean guy, it was their routine to easily reach the crowd, but I specifically don't like it when the cheer squad gets too touchy. 

"The game is over hear Dragneel," Sting said mocking me, "She's really pretty huh, I bet that guy holding her likes her too," he added while trying to block my vision, Max was calling me and was preparing to pass the ball on me.

Lucy and the Sean guy? You must be kidding me, it is almost too pitiful to watch Sean back out every time he see's Lucy's bi brother/driver, he is too week for her.

Max timed his pass when I crossed over Sting, "Sorry to tell this, but she doesn't like the roses," I fired back before aiming for a three points shot, in turn made the crowd get thrilled for more, "That's Captain Natsu for you!" the cheer squad girls said all together and caught me off guard and made me laugh, then they come rushing towards Lucy to give her their teasing hugs.

A few more points were made and it had completely riled up the saber captain, "Am I making this easy for you, Eucliffe?" I said while we are both looking the the score board, our score was changed and now is leading with  81 -79.

"Don't get cocky on me Dragneel, we still time left," he retorted back, referring to the  30 seconds time left.

The ball is still in our team, It was agreed that I'll not attemp to do the last shot for this game, it was clear that the other Saber team will flock around me to stop me from getting my hands on the ball, and true as it is, Sting and two if the other saber guys are lowkey guarding me, I gave Alzack the signal to pass it on to Max.

"You really got it wrong Eucliffe," I warned him again and signaled Max to pass the ball, though not to me, Sting was still heavily guarding me.

And while the saber guys let go of Alzack from their watch, Max then throw the ball back to Alzack who made the final 2 point shot just in time for the last 5 seconds, ending the game with that shot.

"Fairies dominated this game, a comeback victory for Fairy High!" the announcement echoed in the court, every one of team rushed to give Alzack a heroes lift, soon he was let down to give way for Bisca who approached the court to give her lover a congratulatory kiss. 

The fairy squad and basketball team cheered louder for the lovers, after all we all rooted for them for the longest time. 

"Just you wait Dragneel, I'll prove you I didn't messed up," the last Sting said to me before leaving to settle with his side of the court.

"We won!" The boys also gathered around me, complementing me as their captain, "Horay for Captain Dragneel!" one screamed and the rest  enthusiastically responded with, "That's captain Natsu for you!" 

"Congratulations, Captain!" Lucy said when we passed by each other, she was busy congratulating every member of both the basketball team and the cheer squad, I smiled and watched her as she walks around the crowd giving everyone their appreciation, she's really giving it her all. 

The win from the ball game was celebrated shortly as everyone was also excited for the next game, we are all expecting a back to back championship of basketball and swimming. 

This time, fairy high will be facing the Lamia High, the only schools to have Gray Fullbuster and Lyon Vastia. 


Next chapter is a continuation of Natsu's POV 


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