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The ride back to rafe's house was quiet, it's the first night that Amara will be staying at rafe's house for a week remembering that the brunette girl won't be seeing her parents for a while. The only sound filling his truck were the beeps of her phone from getting many texts from the brunette's parents.

Dad: stay safe, call or text me anytime you need, love you.

Mum: don't get into trouble girl, call dad or me any time you need x

Amara left both her parents on delivered, after seeing the text on her lock screen and realising it was anything important that she had to reply too, so she just continued to look out the window and into the night sky as rafe drove through the quiet streets towards his house.

Amara was still shocked at the state rafe was in just a few moments ago back at the field where the movie night was every weekend. Rafe was capable of anything when it came to Amara especially when it came to protecting her from anything that would harm her in anyway or form.

Every now and then rafe would give side glances to the brunette girl seated in the passenger seat of his truck making sure that she was ok. Rafe's truck finally pulled up in his driveway, the dirty blonde quickly jumping out of the car before closing the door behind him and rushing to the other side of the car to let Amara out. As rafe opened the door softly, his eyes caught the sight of tears threatening to fall off the rim of the hazelnut eyes as the brunette suffered in pain coming from the bridge of her nose where it had slightly been cut and bruised from the punch of the one and only kiara.

Rafe followed behind the girl who walked slowly into his house with her arms around her chest and making their way up the stairs that lead to his room, the brunette stood in front of rafe's door with her small hand on the door nob deciding whether or not to sleep in Rafe's or Sarah's room. "Hey, it's ok, your safe with me" Rafe said softly into Amara ear while placing his hand on top of hers which was on the door nob and slowly turning his hand on top of hers to open his bedroom door.

Amara made her way through the door her arms still wrapped around her chest as she heard the door lock click, knowing that rafe walked through the door before closing the door behind him and locking it, so no one m could disturb them. The boy wanted the brunette girl all to himself.

Small sniffs could be heard from the brunette as her tears were now on the very edge of her eyes. Rafe walked over to the girl placing two fingers under her chin so they could connect eyes, with his other hand making it's way softly to her waist. "Your okay, your safe with me Amara, I promise" Rafe said softly as he stared into her hazelnut eyes, this was the most honest thing rafe could ever say, it wasn't a lie he would do anything to protect Amara. Amara nodded softly as a tear fell done her face and across her soft tanned cheek. Rafe removed his fingers from her chin and made its way to her cheek softly rubbing the tear away with his thumb, Amara melted into his touch even though she was still mad at him for beating up pogues half his size. Rafe then softly and slowly slid his finger down her nose feeling the cut that was on the bridge of her little nose, making rafe's heart fall apart that she was harmed and rafe didn't prevent it from happening.

Amara was beyond mad at the dirty blonde but didn't show it not until she pulled away from his touch and made her to Rafe's bedroom door, "Amara?" Rafe said shaky as he watched her walk away, watching her walk away felt like she was leaving him, it broke the boy "Rafe, I-I need time, I'm gonna sleep in Sarah's room tonight " Amara turned around while responding to the dirty blonde, her hand still on the door knob, rafe nodded in response while playing with his gold ring that sat perfectly on his index finger, he would play with it whenever the boy was scared and at this point he was beyond scared that Amara would leave him. Amara then tuned back around to the door and made her way out closing the door softly behind her before taking off to Sarah's room.

Rafe's eyes were now filled with water and soon enough drops of water feel down his sun burnt cheeks as he brushed his fingers through his hair in frustration while pacing back and forth along the floor in his room. He wanted ,no, he needed to fall asleep with Amara in his arms. Rafe started to get angry and he was now throwing things across his room, images of jj's hands on Amara's wrist were now appearing in his head causing him to clench his jaw and tighten his fists, he was the only guy who was allowed to touch Amara, well at least that's what rafe thought.

Rafe laid under his covers in his bed staring straight at his ceiling, thinking about Amara and the thought of her leaving him broke him even more and more every second. Everything the dirty blond did was for that one brunette from the way he would slick back his hair to what clothes he would wear, to the shoes he would wear, everything was for her, he was all for her. All for you.

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