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Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't been updating much <3 hope you enjoy.

Everything in outer banks had pretty much gone back to normal, well a different normal, Ward had killed himself in a boat, well that's what people say, rafe however got his revenge on both his sister, Sarah and the one and only John b, well the dirty blonde still is getting his revenge back every now and then by beating up and torturing the dirty pogue, rafe just couldn't get enough of seeing his fist hit the pogues face over and over again as all he could think about when he wasn't with Amara was John b touching and hurting her. However amara and jj had somehow gotten closer as friends, well that's what Amara think but jj on the other hand..., they had hung out more then they ever did in their life from morning boat rides to sunset surfs at the beach, Amara never knew how to surf, that's why jj was their to teach her, well jj only taught her so he could be around her more and of course to see her in a small tight bikini.

Rafe was never happy with Amara hanging around jj, he hated the thought of her hanging with another guy, it made him crazy jealous.

"You ready?" Rafe asked as he looked down to his left to Amara as he held her small hand in his while standing infront of toppers house as music blasted through the walls while more and more kooks entered the mansion. "Mhm" Amara reassured her bf as she gave the dirty blonde a flirty smile. Rafe led Amara into the house with his arm wrapped around the brunette small waist that was cover in a small tight red dress that revealed her bare back, showing that she wasn't wearing anything underneath, obviously making Rafe even more overprotective.

"Ayee what up big boy" topper greeted Rafe before giving *that man shake* "ma lady" topper then said as he turned to Amara "wow love the dress, the red really flatters your body" topper said as he basically drolled over her, "t-thanks" Amara said as she brushed her hair behind her ear, instantly causing rafe to tighten his grip around her waist. "I'll be back, okay? I've gotta do something, stay here yeah?" Rafe said as he eyed topper to follow him. "Sure-" Amara was cut off by rafe pulling topper away and into the kitchen that was full of red cups, obviously full of beer.

"What was that, huh??" Rafe said as he pushed topper into the kitchen where no one would see the pair. "Look man I was just complimenting her, chill" topper said as he held his arms in surrender while backing away from the taller boy. "Don't ever look at her fucken body like that again, got it?" Rafe said as he brushed his hands through his messy hair. "Okay okay, we good bro?" Topper anxiously replied as he watched every move his friend made because he knew what Rafe was capable of. "Whatever" Rafe replied as he walked off, leaving his friend all alone in the kitchen.

Rafe walked around toppers house trying to look for the Amara in the red dress although he couldn't spot her. "Hey man, you seen Amara anywhere??" Rafe asked as he approached kelce before resting his arm on one of the dark boys shoulders, "nah man, sorry" kelce replied as he handed the dirty blonde a beer. "Okay tell me if you see her, yeah?" Rafe asked before chugging down the half empty beer bottle. "For sure" kelce replied as he handed Rafe another bottle.


"Amara, hey Amara!" Jj yelled over toppers music as he pushed through the crowd to get to Amara. "Hey, wait jj what are you doing here, did topper invite you?" Amara asked in shock of seeing the pogue at toppers party. "Yeah yeah he did actually, haha, but um wow you look beautifu-" jj answered but soon got cut off, by rafe coming up from behind Amara before wrapping his muscular arm around Amara's tiny waist. "Hey babe" Rafe said before pulling Amara in for a short make out session, rafe obviously did this to make jj jealous as he smirked through his kisses, before Amara softly pulled away. "Cmon" Rafe said as he led Amara away from the pogue. "See you around" jj yelled to the brunette before going off to find some beers.

Hours went past of Amara and rafe dancing, drinking and getting high, but some how Amara and jj ended up together beside the pool.

"So how's things going with rafe?" Jj asked Amara politely as he swayed his feet in the pool beside the brunette. "Good, but he's been acting really different recently" Amara replied she looked around for the tall dirty blonde. "He's not around" jj said as he noticed Amara was looking for Rafe. "I don't know it's just his been acting so weird and angry since Ward died, I don't know what to do" Amara went on as tears started to build up in her eyes, and slowly her hazelnut eyes went dark. "Hey, hey it's ok, I'm here for you whenever, however you want" jj confronted the brunette before wrapping his muscular arm around her shoulder to bring the girl into a cuddle. "I don't know what I would do without you" Amara said as she laid her head on the pogues shoulder.

Rafe was to busy getting high of course to even notice amara was upset, everyone was even more surprised the dirty blonde didn't notice his girlfriend and the pogue getting all comfy beside the pool.

"You know I'm always here for you, right?" Jj asked as he turned to look down at Amara. "Mhm" Amara replied drowsily, as she had lots of drinks. "I just hate seeing you with him" the pogue continued as he softly grabbed the girl by a chin and into a kiss, before slowly pulling away. "Oi, jj kissed Amara!" Topper yelled as he finally noticed the pair and instantly rafe's head turned to his girlfriend and the pogue that sat beside the pool. "Your gonna fucken regret that pogue!" The dirty blonde yelled as he threw his beer bottle to the ground before storming towards the messy blonde, and before you know it Rafe was on top of the pogue on the ground beating him up, his fist continuously banging against jj's face.

"Rafe stop please!" Amara yelled as she notice blood appear on the pogues face, the dirty blonde ignored his girlfriends words as he kept throwing punches to the messy blondes head, "Rafe!" Amara yelled again but this time she grabbed ahold of rafe's veiny arm in order to free the pogue. "Fuck off!" Rafe replied as he blindly aggressively pushed Amara away, causing her to fall down on the ground with a big grunt.

"Don't fucken touch her like that!" Jj yelled as he noticed the brunette fall and immediately he had a rush of energy to push Rafe off him and onto the ground before immediately heading towards the girl. "Amara, are you okay?" The messy blonde asked the girl as he wrapped his arms around her small waist while everyone at toppers party watched in silence and shock that Rafe would ever physically hurt the girl, it was never anything he would do, he loved the girl, perished the girl, he would do anything for her, but this, he would never do unless something was wrong.

"Amara, oh my god, Amara I didn't- I'm sorry I didn't mean too- I'm so sorry" Rafe said as he got up from the ground in shock and regret. "Get your hands off her pogue" the dirty blonde said before picking up the girl by her waist. "Don't touch me" Amara replied as she forcefully removed herself from his grip. "What- Amara, why?" the dirty blonde questioned nervously, this is when his heart dropped and he came back to reality from all the coke he took earlier.

"Amara please- don't do this, don't go with this pogue, Amara I love you, you know I would do anything for you" Rafe begged over and over as jj walked her out of topper house. "Rafe, I-I need a break, just please" Amara replied as she stopped and turned around at the front of topper house as the pogue held the brunette up so she could stand properly. "No Amara you cant do this to me, you cant leave me, do you have any idea what will happen??" Rafe said, just the site of jj's hands on the girl made him mad but this made him even more made. "Just text me when you get home yeah?, please, please don't go off with him" Rafe said as he motioned his arm towards jj next to her. "I'll take her home" topper spoke up before giving the pogue a look to leave as he led Amara to his car.

Throughout the car ride to Amara's house she got a shit tone of message from rafe:
Rafe: Amara I'm sorry
Rafe: Amara I love you I don't know what got into me xx
Rafe: can I come over??
Rafe: please Amara I can't lose you, your everything to me ❤️❤️
Rafe: please I was just trying to protect you from that pogue.
Rafe: I'm coming over tomorrow xx

And that's not even half the messages she got, but she ignored them all she just wanted was for the night to be over and tomorrow she'll reply.

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