Kyle's POV

I heard screaming from my mom's room, I quickly went towards her bedroom but it's lock, I tried pushing it but it won't work. I tiptoed to see mom but I can't see it, the screaming grew louder! WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO?!

I felt something wet in my left cheek until I realized, I was crying.

I saw my dad at the corner of the kitchen, he's laying there, with a big slash on his stomach and in a pool of blood.

" Da-dad! D-dad! I'm sorry, please don't leave me! please don't leave me! " I cried out. He just looked at me, and reached for my hand.

" Stay strong okay? go hide. now. " Dad instructed me. I didn't want to leave him but I was scared, who did this to them?

I hid inside my closet and peeped through the hall. I saw my dad, laying there, smiling at me, he mouthed the words " I love you " until the killer...slashed him in his head.

I screamed! I can't take it anymore! I went out of my room and went to the kitchen, I saw the killer look at me, he was wearing a pumpkin mask on his head so I can't see his face, the only thing that's not covered are his eyes.

His eyes were filled with happiness, despair and satisfaction...and his eyes were...plain white, like blank white.

" WHY?!?! " I screamed out, he didn't answer isnstead, he just smirked and got closer, every second feels like a year, every step he takes feels like a cold wind rushing through me until I can't take it anymore, I grabbed the wooden axe from my dad's chest and tried to hurt him, to my surprise, when I swinged the axe, the killer disappeared, and appeared behind me, he teleports I said to myself.

" Such innocent young child. " The killer said as he messed with my hair. His voice is so different from the others, so firm.

" SHUT UP! " I screamed at him.

" Tsk tsk tsk, nice manners little girl..." He said while circling around me, right now, I'm in the floor, sitting, while crying.

" WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?! " I screamed at him, he smirked at me.

" I don't want anything from them...i want something...from you. " He said and he stopped infront of me when he said you. I shivered. I looked at him, confused

" Oopsies, didn't mean to tell you that! Hahahaha. " He said while mocking me, his laugh is like, you know the laughs of someone who's a crazy maniac? That exactly sounds like his laugh.

I growled at him and he just patted my head, he looked at his watch.

" Guess I'm late! AHAHAHA goodbye little girl! See you soon...HAHAHA. " He said while he laughed again, when he said the words see you soon, that scared the hell out of me. He ran towards the wall and broke the wall so easily. What kind of player is he? What the nether?!

I felt something on my shoulder. I froze. I realized it's a hand, a nervous shaking hand. Is this the end of me?


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