Kyle's POV

I opened my eyes and realized I'm in a white room. My head hurts so badly I can't get up. What the freak happened? I looked around and saw some computers, Jane is there, a nerdy guy is there typing, and the devil, Gregor, is there.

Gregor noticed me and called Jane's attention, when he got Jane's attention, he pointed at me. Jane was surprised and went beside me.

" Are you okay?! " Jane asked beside me.

" Yeah, why are you panicking so much? And why am I here in this room?! " I asked. The last thing I knew was that I was sleeping at the bed and...the dream...

" She doesn't remember anything? " The nerdy guy asked. His nametag says TonyVonCrackling

" What do you mean? " I asked them, my brows narrowed, I smell something fishy.

" Get up, quickly. We need to show you something. " Gregor said to me and I did what he said. I feel dizzy but I still managed to walk. They showed me the computer.

" Last night, you were shaking and muttering words all night. You had chills. We tested you and saw this. " Jane said and she showed me a paper.

Kyle McDuphy
12 years old.
Code : Hyakeialowue8ajakz.

" You are different. Your code contains a series of letters and there's only one number. Your code is the opposite of Herobrines. " Tony said in a surprised tone. Wait? That's impossible right? Or is it?

" So, I don't get it..." I said confused. What are they talking about? Am I just dreaming or nah? I punched myself, thinking this is only a dream.

" She's crazy. She's even punching herself. What a psycho. " Greg said as he rolled his eyes at me.

" Shut up you ugly monkey. " I said back to him.

" Listen to me. " Jane said sternly, I looked at her.

" You're the opposite of Herobrine. Get it? He's bad and you're...?" Jane asked.

" Good? " I continued her sentence.

" Correct. He controls fire and you control...?" Jane asked.

" Water?! Really?! " I asked, amazed. I never knew I can control water.

" Yes. He's the antagonist and you're the...?" Jane asked once again.

" Uhm protagonist? " I asked. Jane nodded.

" You're the complete opposite of him. You're one of a kind. You might be the only one that can save us away from Herobrine. " Jane said. Really?

" Wait, why don't just Notch do the saving thing? I mean he's more powerful than me. " I said. He's the king of Minecraft. duh.

" That's what the people knows...Notch has been once an enemy of this resistance so we gathered his information. His code contains a series of letters but there are three numbers...and yours? You only have one number. That means you're more unique and powerful than everyone else. " Jane said. Well...I completely have nothing to say.

" B-but I'm just a regular girl. I'm young and weak and-" I protested.

" You might be young but you're not stupid right? That's what you said. " Jane said with a smile. I just nodded quietly.

How can everything change in just a blink of an eye? When I was young, I always wanted to be a super hero. I watched fairies thinking that I wanna be like them. That's just amazing.

" Oh okay...." I said quietly.

" Time check, 6:00 am. Everyone head to the dining room. " A manly voice said through the speakers.

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