what is a vision?

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Authors note

Greetings to you my bold family and friends, thank you for taking your time to read this little gift of mine. It is just a little encouragement to us all in the life that we live with Christ, I always come back to this teaching once in a while to remind myself how important visions are. It is a piece of preaching I once did in my youth group earlier in the year 2021 and I hope it also brings some light into your life.

This piece mainly speaks to the youth therefore when I say "we" I mean the youth.

Love Chiedza Nyautore


Joel 2 verse 28: " And afterwards, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams your young men will see visions."

We are still so young, maybe not too young but we are the youth. We are the world of tomorrow and having been given the chance to walk this road with the magnificent creator Jesus Christ in front of us is a blessing.

We have hopes and dreams we would like to fulfil. What we need to remember is that our hopes and dreams are a part of our visions, interests, skills and talents. These are attributes we do not find in everyone especially our God-given gifts.

I, personally believe that those are some of our strongest points as humans and that these visions shape our drive for the future. However, we have to create a relationship with God within ourselves to discern whether this is a vision from God or the one who came to steal our future.

A relationship with God is created through prayer and reading the Bible then you will know that visions from God do not bring pain, nor turmoil, they aspire for prosperity, peace, and joy in our lives.

First, we need to know what is a vision?

It is the ability to think about or plan for the future with imagination and wisdom. It is an act of seeing things that are yet to come, the visions I am speaking of are aspirations. It could be for your career, marriage or spiritual being, there is a level we all want to reach in life and if we do not set goals or plan for them, it will only die as a dream.

Setting for the future without goals or resolutions is like walking without a destination, a pathless road. A path without purpose, a path without a destination. Right now as you try to move alone, plan alone and make things happen on your own accord could be stopping you from seeing what the Lord has in store for you for he has greater plans for you. We might not know our destination but our tomorrow is certain with Jesus Christ.

Proverbs 29 verse 18: "Where there is no vision, the people perish"

When you become encompassed by setting out your future, it would also be good for you to be focused, disciplined and principled enough to not be swayed by the motions of this world. To not be distracted or moved by new things in life. We must have a strong and trained stamina so that we may not be blown away by the winds of this world.

In these times where people are adjusting to stay and work at home, there are so many technological innovations taking place. People are moving businesses to the Internet and that is all good but as Christians, we should remember that we do things that elevate us and the people around us.

Be careful to not be badly influenced by all these things. We live in a world surrounded by people, good and bad, those who bless and those who curse but we still also find ourselves in need of their company, therefore pray that God helps you meet the right group of people to encompass yourself with. People that believe in you.

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