Spirit of Discernment

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This is why the second thing after having a vision is to pray for the spirit of discernment.
A vision must be from God, all God’s ways are true and just. Do not try to force God into YOUR plans, instead let God drive you to the right plans, knowing that he is in control. Even when you receive an answer like “No” you should learn to accept it knowing that God is doing the best for your life…not your neighbours or peers but yours. Pray for God to direct you into his perfect will.

Habakkuk 2 verse 3: “ For the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end, it shall speak and not lie, though it may tarry, wait for it because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

Be determined to accomplish your vision in such a way that you align your vision with God’s purpose for you.

Ecclesiastes 11 verses 9-10: “ You who are young, be happy while you are young and let the heart give you joy in the days of your youth. follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that all these things God will bring you into judgement”

You could try to do all your hearts desires but remember that not all things will be productive in your life as long as it is not from God. This is why it is always good to pray for the spirit of discernment. You are fighting for your future and you have to maximise the chances of succeeding by laying your life with all the plans of your heart unto the Lord Almighty.
God already knows everything about you but there is a difference between Him knowing when you don’t want him to know, and him knowing when you let him know. When you want God to know your heart, it means you are willing to be refined and trained for the race you want to run.

There are a lot of factors that prevent us from executing our plans. One of the biggest is PROCRASTINATION. The root of procrastination could be disbelief, doubt, laziness, thinking that you do not have the funds, appliances and time. When God gives you a vision, He knows HOW to get you there, he will provide you with everything needed to get you there, you just have to find it.

Believe in His visions and have faith that it shall come to pass. God is a God of perfect timing. Try writing down the things that you feel are messages from God with affirmative hope. Write down your visions in all aspects of life, for example, university, business and spiritual life. It is important for reference sake in times of challenges and tribulation as you need to remind yourself whom you’re doing this for and why.

When God reveals something to you and you fail to execute it will literally expire from your mind, it slowly becomes nothing but a memory of what you once wanted to do, it turns into a dream too high above the clouds that you look for in the stars, so I encourage everyone to do it while it lasts.

Pray to have a clear goal and vision of what He wants you to do because if you don’t know where you want to go someone else will take you where they want you to be. It could be someone who wants to see your downfall or the devil himself who wants to kill, steal and destroy all that you are.

We can never be certain of our tomorrow but dedicating our lives, plans and desires to God helps us understand the direction we want to go. Do not be discouraged by situations, be focused on the goal and change your perspective of the situation then you will be able to change your mindset.

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