Chapter 21 Humiliated

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Alexis POV
" are you today?" the doctor asked my parents as we enter the clinic.

"How do you want us to be doc?!" my dad replied in monotone.

My parents had come to know about the incident before I got home, so I guessed it was Nazra's handiwork. Mom was upset and she was crying when I got home. Dad on the other hand was furious, not at me but at them. The frustrating thing was when they tried to call Kayden he won't answer his phone. Something inside me said that it was a really bad thing.

Now here we were in the doctors clinic, I didn't know him well that's maybe because he wasn't our family doctor but he looked to be Aaria's bestie.

No one was gonna waste time on this especially my parents so without further ado the doctor got to work, taking blood samples and other stupid tests. After one hour I was told to sit by and wait.

Everyone was looking sober expect of course Aaria. Then the back door opened and out came the doctor with the results.

" it seems the teachers were right", he said gloomily. "Apparently you daughter is pregnant, Xander, and that too two weeks now".

"That's impossible!" I blurted out. "I know I'm not pregnant".

"Let me see those test results", said my dad.

He looked curiously at the papers the doctor had handed him. His expression was unreadable. A mixture of anger and sadness developed from it. Suddenly the door opened only to reveal the one person I had wanted here most of all.

"Sorry, someone had wrecked my car this morning that why I couldn't be on time", he said.

"Sorry sir for all the trouble", he said moving to my dad. "I will set things right".

"Here", he said handing out a paper to the doctor. "My blood test reports and other tests, Alexis didn't do anything. There's a court order in here to let her go no tests, nothing".

"But we have already done the test and it shows that she is pregnant after all", replied Aaria.

" that's a shocker!" My dad said all of a sudden.

"What is?"

"Doc...what's the blood group written here", he asked.

"B positive", doctor replied. "Have difficulty reading the reality Mr. Rogers".

"No no it just that....Alex's blood group....."

" AK Negative!" I finished for him. I could swear I heard the doctor gulp. All eyes were on the Doctor and Miss. Aaria.

"What do you mean by that Mr. Rogers", he screamed. "Are the reports fake? Or is it just that you don't want to admit that you daughter has done wrong".

"I don't know you tell me", my dad calmly replied.

"This discussion will take place in front of the school board not here so I suggest we all move there", announced Miss. Aaria and without pausing for an answer she made her way out hurriedly.
[At school]
"Hey'd you like the janitors closet...."

"I mean really...couldn't Kayden find a better girl..."

"Yo babe wanna give me a chance with that too...well after junior Kayden is out of the way of course..."

"Filthy bitch..."

"You middle class girl do know only one thing, sleep with someone and blame them, don't ha?!"

"Poor thing I pity you...17 and already a mom...hell what were you thinking girl?!"

Comment, glares, remarks....oh how I wanted to die that very moment, but not before I saw that....

The picture....I wouldn't say mine but the picture Aaria showed me. It was all over the walls in the main corridor. Someone had gone all out to make it was in every size, shape and color, kinda makes it sound like clothing, well it was worse!

"What the hell is all this?" my mom gasped.

"I thought you said the picture was confidential and you couldn't give it to me!" I yelled at Aaria in the middle of the corridor. "Then how come you gave that shit to some other douchebag who had the audacity to print and paste it on the walls in just 4 hours? Huh! What do you have to say for that?"

"Someone might have stolen it from the assistant principals office!" she replied innocently.

"And who could do that? Any idea?" my dad asked calmly. I had to say he was handling the situation far better than I had expected and surprisingly he hadn't questioned me nor did he glare at me like he should have after hearing the spiced up story that Aaria gave him. dad, full of secrets!

"I figure it might be the one who gave us the picture in the first place", Aaria replied.

"And who was that?"

"Oh it was Zak....uhh I can't tell you, it's confidential".

"Oh really then you should start praying that whatever you just rigged is true because if it ain't then you're gonna be in a lot of trouble missy", my dad threateningly and walked over to the Principals office.
[Principals office]
We were seated in the chairs provided in the office while Miss. Aaria filled the Principal on what was going on.

Surprisingly, him being the top of the food chain didn't know what the hell was happening in his own school. Huh! Talk about being lost!

"Okay...from what I've heard...", the principal started but my dad cut him off.

"Well I don't think you have heard the right thing",my dad burst out. "The word comes down to whether or not you trust a daughter has done a lot for this school which has gone unappreciated as of today and I think you need to consider that before making any judgement about her".

"It's not only that", the principal started off. "Despite recognizing her contributions we cannot ignore the fact that you're daughter was in a relationship with this lad despite numerous reminders".

"I think that brings us back to the original problem", my mom added.

After a few minutes of heated argument, everyone rested easy. Each of them plopped on their chairs waiting for either of them to talk.

"It seems that the discussion is over", the principal said, breaking the awkward silence. "My decision on this is final...we lay low, students behave like students and everything goes like normal, no one mentions about this , are we clear?"

We all nodded our understanding and got up to leave. When we were outside, I went over to Miss. Aaria.

"Ehm", I cleared my throat.

"Oh yes, anything I can do for you dear". Her happy voice irritated me to the bones.

"That was a clever plan,you know", I said in a amazed tone, and as I expected her reaction to this was worth dying for. "But unfortunately for you the cats out of the bag now".

"Sorry!" she said, shocked.

"Oh no don't be, but tell Zakira this, if I let the original photo out she'll have to do more than just beg to get rid of it", I told her. "And the medical reports too! Your doctor did one hell of a job too bad he didn't make out that I was more abnormal than pregnant".
Miss. Aaria what a hag! Anyways tell me how it was...
💟 Ayat_Khan 🎶

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