Chapter 2 The Hospital

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The air was intense and stuffy for those who were in their seats waiting for take their rolled paper batons and throw their graduation caps in style and make a run for high school even when there was another week left for grad school to finish. I couldn't help but notice the gleaming sunshine on the lawn of the campus, the birds chirping as if celebrating our victory and the light breeze in Maycomb, Alabama that touched my bare skin and made goosebumps appear. Today was a very important day for me, my dream was becoming a reality.

Everyday I woke up, I saw a military parade outside my house and I admired them so much. Their uniform, their pose, their attitude and most of all their work. Who on earth wanted to give up their lives for others but there were some people who actually care about others more than themselves. That was who I wanted to be. And today I got the opportunity.

My parents, Xander and Vida Rogers sat right in front on the white silk covered plastic chairs set like parliament sitting on the lawn. Their faces shone with smiles as well as that of my siblings.

The Master of Ceremony called to order and motioned for everyone to be settled and then he began to talk. BORING!!!

"It is a very opportune time for me to say Congratulations to all the new graduates for the cadet academy of Miller's Trinity School," droned the voice of Mr Grumpy Plank. Well thats what all the students called him, though his real name was Gordon Thomas.

"Students, to you I say this, this is your only opportunity to shine with medals," he continued. "But when you go out into the real world whatever you do will count whether its good or bad, whether right or wrong".

When he said those words it actually occurred to me that he was right and that his words weren't all that boring.

After what seemed like ages on that chair finally our General got up to announce those students who were on a short list of cadets chosen by the US Military to study in New York under the Military Academy.

"I have great pleasure in announcing the cadets chosen for the New York soldier project," he started off.
"Get to the point already," I anxiously thought. I was literally jumping in my seat.
"The 10 top of the list cadets are," he finally proclaimed, "Zayn Peterson, Thomas Cliffland, Moses Laws, Benjamin Clevey, Ralda Scott, Patricia Bellows, Harper Francis, Selena Zafar, Curtis Wong and our top of the batch cadet, none-other-than Draco Felton".
" Draco jerk Felton got in Military Academy and not me, what the bloody hell is that all about!" I screamed at myself in horror. I couldn't believe myself. I was chucked out of the shortlist, just like that but I was the best.
" I heard Draco's father paid good money to the committee thats how his son got in," said a girl behind me.

"I wish my dad was as rich as the Mr. Felton, I would have been studying in New York right now," sighed her friend.

The sun blazed on just as I was right now. Draco got in and I didn't. I sat there stunned and everyone resumed their work as if I didn't matter at all.
The MC called to order again and this was the time for cadet graduation.
"Patrick Waldon, Susan Bones, Derrick West...." his voice droned on, calling out the names of the graduates.

The air was getting stuffy, people around me were getting blurry and faint and the sun was hotter than usual. Something was happening to me I didn't know what but it was getting the better of me. I heard my name being called from the stage very loudly and it made my ears scream in pain. I saw blood on my hands, 'where did they come from?'. The stage was right in front of me yet when I got up to go to it, my feet refused to move, my body became weak and I felt a rush of anger and disappointment and with that I lost all contact with the world.

When my eyes opened, I was in an abyss, greenery and joy and serene beauty. A place of peace and I knew I never wanted to leave but the world dragged me back.
"Doctor, is my wife alright?" asked a man in three piece suit to a man in a lab coat. He had with him two girls, sisters perhaps. I was in a hospital, "How did I get here?Wasn't I in school?Where were mom and dad?"


A scream like no other I've heard before but it was of a women and as I made my way to where the sound came from, I felt my heart pounding in my chest waiting for what lies ahead and eager to know at the same time.

"Alex. Alex. Alex, wake up sweety," came my father's voice and I opened my eyes only to find myself at the graduation ground lying on the grass with everyone huddled around me like the rugby team having a secret meeting.
"Where am I?" I asked sheepishly.
"Are you alright sweety? We're still in school," replied my mother.
"School? But wasn't I in a hospital?" I asked confused.
"Hospital? No honey, we've been here in school," said my dad.

I couldn't take much more of this. I got up steadied myself with a chair, for some reason my head was spinning as well as throbbing, neglecting that I made a run for home not looking at anyone or anything just running.

"Why was I running and from whom? Was it from the man in the hospital or the woman who screamed?"
I could hear my parents and siblings calling after me but I was too occupied to hear them, I had my own thoughts to deal with.
Hy was this chappie?
Plizzzz share your ideas with mee!
💟 Ayat_Khan 🎶

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