Chapter 1

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"Hey Trev! Al and I are going out for pizza, want to come?” said Nasra.

Al, short for Alex, is Nasra’s boyfriend.

“Nope, just bring me back a slice, or better yet a box of Hawaiian pizza! You know I’m a glutton for pizza.” I said, grinning wide at her.

“You are such a pig!”

“Ouch! You just broke my heart”

“Yeah, shut up. You lazy jerk. Why don’t you just come with us instead?”

“Because, stupid, I don’t want to be a third wheeler.”

“Suit yourself; I wouldn’t want an autistic by my side as we walk either. It’s embarrassing.”

Yep, that’s normal for us. All of those insults, which is how we normally tease each other that’s just how we are.

Nasra shut the door as she and Al were leaving. I continued playing Xbox. Truth is, I’d rather stay here than see her with him. I’m such a dumb ass but I couldn’t stop liking her.

When they were back, Al had his arms wrapped around Nasra and they were laughing.

 “So we met a girl and I think you would’ve liked her. She was your type.”

If you only knew that  you are my type…

 “Yeah, maybe.” I said nonchalantly. Shrugging my shoulders in the process.

 “Sometimes I wonder if you might be gay or something.” Wiggling her eyebrows as she was teasing me.

 “I might be, or I could just kiss you and prove you wrong.”

 She stared at me wide eyed, mouth wide open with shock as what I’ve said slowly registered in her mind.

 “You wouldn’t!”

 “Oh, but I might. I’m sure Al here wouldn’t mind. Right Al?” I looked at Al and winked at him.

 “Sorry bro. But this girl’s mine and I wouldn’t want other guys kissing her.” He answered while grinning sheepishly at Nasra.

 “Awwww, sorry Trevie boy.” She said smiling evilly at me, knowing that she’s won.

 “I always lose when your boyfriends around.” I looked at Al and said, “And you never pick my side! Totally not fair.”

  And they just laughed at me while Nasra stuck her tongue out at me.

The next day, school was stressful. Teachers were giving us loads of homework and It’s all about writing long essays and other stuff that are connected to writing and answering lots of questions.

“Okay, class dismiss.”

Finally! Lunch time. I’m super hungry.

Where’s Nasra anyways, I couldn’t eat lunch without her or she’ll be mad. Maybe I should go check if her class’ done.

I walked towards Nasra’s classroom, bumping Into a lot of shoulders along the way.

People sure are hungry.

When I arrived at her classroom I glanced at the door only to find out that Mrs. Everly was their teacher. No wonder they weren’t dismissed yet.

Mrs. Everly was one of the strictest teacher here at Westwood high. Every student hated her.

Finally, Nasra’s class was done.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. You know how that devil is.” She said as she walked out of the door.

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