Miracle....Or....Curse !!

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Year 1877 -------

Kingdom of Columbia was thriving under the rule of their beloved King Arthur. Their King was a brave, just and kind man. He loved the people of his kingdom as much as his own son.

His SON..... who was his sole hier, the only Prince of the kingdom of Columbia. Prince Aroon, was the apple of his parents eyes as well as the whole kingdom's. He was a complete replica of his father, A brave soldier, believer of justice and as kind as the current beloved King of Columbia.

The King has given him all the necessary education, training, knowledge and every single piece of advice, needed to be a great provider for their kingdom, as their ancestors in the past.

When the Prince turned 20, The King Arthur and Queen Ara started to plan for their young Prince's marriage, searching for a suitable bride for their beloved son. After meeting hundreds of beautiful princesses, Aroon found his mate in Princess Alia. It was like a Love at first sight, for both of them.

Princess Alia was as beautiful as a, bright morning sunshine...... As a, soft petal of a half blown Rose....... As a, innocent smile of a new born child. And she was as wonderful of a person by heart, as her outer beauty represents her. She was indeed the best life-partner for Prince Aroon as well as the best choice for the future Queen of Columbia.

Prince Aroon and Princess Alia's engagement ceremony was celebrated as auspicious festival in both of their kingdoms. Everyone was joyous, in the palace and in every part of the kingdom. Crackers and kandeels, lit up the sky, so brightly that anyone might have mistaken the day for night. The music of happiness and prosperity reverberated in every corner of both the kingdoms.


Their happiness was tainted by the devil's eye......... Prince Aroon get sick all of a sudden, he didn't open his eyes since last ten days, his body is getting cold like a dead person and his nails were turning black. His breathing was very shallow as well. No one was able to cought on the disease, it was beyond the royal medical specialists. No one get to even give a name of, what was killing their beloved Prince, day by day.

Princess Alia was present there too with Queen Ara, tending to her sick fiance. Inspite of their heartfelt prayers and care..... Prince Aroon's situation was deteriorating gradually. The King was loosing hope, whole kingdom was in chaos..... prayers were carried on, in every part of the kingdom, people were ready to even sacrifice their own lives..... if that can save their future king.

One day, King Arthur was in the court room with his ministers, when he got the news of a lurking Vampire at the outskirts of his kingdom. King Arthur was, one of the very famous Vampire hunter of his era..... He had hunted, many vicious vampires since his younger days. Though the King was shaken from inside, with the condition of his only son, but his duties and responsibilities as a King was calling him right now.

As a true King he kept his kingdom's people's safety at his atmost priority.


King Arthur with his few trusted soldiers went for the Vampire hunting into the forest at the very southern end of his kingdom. That Vampire was old and experienced, he knows how to hide in the darkness of the forest very well, it took almost a month to catch the vampire, in their clutches, to King and his fellow officers.

In between, Prince Aroon's situation was getting worse with every passing day, he was just hanging by a weak thread..... between Life and Death.

King asked his officers to start the sacred fire to burn the vampire, it was the best possible way to kill a Vampire, the other way.... was to tie them under the direct sunrays, because sunrays will burn their flesh painfully. The King decided to kill the Vampire in a sacred fire pit because he didn't wanted to wait till the morning. He wanted to get rid of the demon and then to return back, by his dying son's side as soon as possible.

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