New beginning...

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Arthit's POV------

There is light, so much light, expanding faster than I can follow. It ignites my synapses and bursting forth with the familiar song without words. This explosion of light and sound happens not once, but a million times, a trillion times, taking every starved, brittle cell in my body and blasting it back to life.

It is surreal, almost magical, to feel the absence of pain in my throat. My eyes roll back as the ecstasy sweeps down my spine, flooding my bones, my organs with healing light. I have left this earth altogether. I am soaring through space.......

Weightless and free.

My chains shatter, and I hear them fall to the ground, but the sound is distant, filtering up to me through the roar of a river..... River of satiation. That river is galloping down to join the ocean, and I am the rider, struggling to keep his seat as the forces of nature reshape the land. I am prepared to relax my hold, to cast myself recklessly into the flood of ecstasy, but a whisper of sound arrests me.


It is a simple caress......

Like a final goodbye.

'One day… One day I will feel his touch. He will whisper my name, a loving sigh against my cheek. One day I will taste him on my lips. One day… he will be mine'

I remember thinking those words with such certainty.

Who is He??

I clutch my prey closer, feeling bones creak and then snap. I drink more deeply, trying to force that memory in the back of my mind, but the images are bathed in light, blinding me completely.

Think… Think Arthit !! It is important.

I remember he was breathtaking,  perfect in every sense, with eyes that challenged and lips that teased. And he was precious to me.

He IS.... precious to me.

He says my name like a prayer, and laughs for no reason at all. His touch awakens feelings that I do not comprehend, but I am desperate to explore. And he is giving himself to me, body and soul.

Body and… S. O. U. L.......

Oh My God !!!!

I sense the body in my arms, feel how the curve of a skull nestles so perfectly, almost weightlessly, against my left hand. My right hand creeps down, my fingers glide, trembling. I spread my fingers wide, cupping the curve of a waist, and my sences rises.

He slips from my grasp and falls to the ground, his skull striking the marble plaque at my feet with a sickening crack. His eyes are still open, just barely. He is watching me, and his lips turn up at the corners in a tiny grin of victory.

This human has vanquish death… but not his own.

I watch in horror as blood continues to pump from the hole in his throat, the spurts already weakening, bubbling in time to the rapid rise and fall of his shattered rib cage.his lips shape my name once more, but no sound escapes.

I reach for him frantically, but my chains snake around my ankles, and I lose my footing, falling face down in the mud. I claw my way free, pulling his abused body close. He is cold...... too cold. I don’t know what to do.


I cry, shrieking out for my father with my voice and my mind also, but my vocal chords seize, and the sound does not carry.

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