Catching up

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*Aleena's POV*

I woke up again at 6am meaning I only got one hour of sleep but that's alright because I woke up knowing my family was safe with me. I woke up and put on some clothes that were comfortable but also looked presentable. 

I kissed my sleeping girlfriends forehead before exiting the room to hear noise coming from Rosalie's room. I stepped closer and she was crying. I knocked on the door slightly and walked in to see her on the floor of her new bedroom hyperventilating and shaking. 

"Rosie?" I asked as I walked in. "Leena..? Dove siamo? Non ricordo di essere arrivato qui. Non mi sento al sicuro.. Tutto quello che ricordo è il padre che inchioda la madre contro il muro. non riusciva a respirare lei.." She said panicking more as I sat in front of her. 

(Leena..? Where are we? I don't remember getting here. I don't feel safe.. all I remember is father pinning mother against the wall.. she couldn't breathe she..)

"Rosie respira. Stai bene, sei al sicuro. Sei madre e lo zio Lorenzo ha portato te e i tuoi fratelli fuori di lì. Sei al sicuro con me a casa mia ora." I said as I hugged her. My heart breaking at the fear Rodrigo had instilled in her. 

(Rosie breathe. You're okay you're safe. You're mother and uncle Lorenzo got you and your siblings out of there. You're safe with me in my home now.) 

Her breathing finally settled and we sat there cuddling a bit before her stomach growled. "Ti sentiresti più a tuo agio a parlare italiano o inglese Rosie?" I asked not knowing which she preferred and I wanted to make her comfortable. 

(Would you feel more comfortable speaking Italian or English Rosie?) 

"Italiano" She responded quietly. "Ok, hai fame, presumo che scerniamo in cucina e ti prenderò del cibo." I said with a slight smile and she nodded before we got up and went down stairs. 

(Okay you're hungry I assume let's go down to the kitchen and I'll get you some food.)

I had the chef make her a typical Italian breakfast because that's what she requested. While I had the same thing I figured I should tell her about Billie and Finneas before things got uncomfortable.

"Quindi ho una ragazza.." I said a little nervously. (So I have a girlfriend...) "Lo fai ora? È qui? Posso incontrarla?" She asked before finishing her food. (Do you now? Is she here? May I meet her?) 

"Sì, è qui e sì, la incontrerai. Il suo nome è Billie. Mi rende davvero felice e spero che ti piaccia." I said with blush painted strong on my cheeks. (Yes she is here and yes you will meet her. Her name is Billie. She makes me really happy and I hope you like her.)

"Sono contento che ti renda felice Leena. Sono felice di poterti rivedere è passato così tanto tempo che siamo davvero finalmente al sicuro? Come hai avuto il cuore di uccidere tuo padre?" She said with tears apparent in her eyes. 

(I'm glad she makes you happy Leena. I'm happy I get to see you again it's been so long are we really finally safe? How did you have the heart to kill your own father?)

"Rosalie non appena mio padre mi ha dato quella prima mano, l'ho odiato da allora. Ho odiato di più mia madre per aver lasciato che accadesse." I said tears in my eyes as well. 

(Rosalie as soon as my father laid that first hand on me I've hated him ever since. I've hated my mother more for letting it happen.) 

"Sei al sicuro qui. Questo posto è più sorvegliato della peggiore prigione del pianeta." I said to her as I got up from my chair and hugged her tight with tears streaming down my face as I left a kiss on the crown of her head. 

(You're safe here. This place is more guarded then the worst prison on the planet.)

She nodded and thanked me once again before telling me she wanted to go check on her siblings. Soon after I went back to my bedroom to check on Billie. It was now around 8 or 9am. She was stretching in our bed. 

"Hi gorgeous." I said with a smile I made my way over to the bed and hugged her. "Helloooo." She said with a slight chuckle and blush on her face.

 "So Finneas gets here in an hour, before that though I have something I need to talk to you about at breakfast." I said. 

"Okay is everything alright?" She asked concerned immediately. "Yes everything is fine we just have a few more people in the house. Get dressed I'll meet you down stairs." I said before leaving a delicate kiss on her lips and leaving the room to check on the rest of my family. 

I'm headed down the stairs to go back to the kitchen when I see Rosalie walking with a gleam smile on her face and a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Rosalie cosa hai fatto questa volta?" I asked with a smirk. (Rosalie what did you do this time?)

"Potrebbe aver fatto un piccolo scherzo ai gemelli niente di troppo grande" She says with a slight laugh before I hear the Valentino yelling after her. (Might've pulled a small prank on the twins nothing too big)

"Oh god.." I said cracking up with laughter. Billie walks up behind me looking a little startled. "Who's yelling in a different language and running through the corridor?" She asked.

 "That's what I wanted to talk to you about come. come." I said with a smile as we walked to the kitchen. "alright now what's going on?" She asked really confused. \

"I have four siblings. Almost all of which have had children." I said as she nodded. "The rest of my siblings other than me where put in arranged marriages by my parents. They almost always are abusive." I said before clearing my throat. 

"They start out sweet to make my parents think that they're fit to marry them. I see right through them but as soon as I say something they get defensive so I've kept my mouth shut to keep the relationship I have with my siblings." I said as Billie just sat there and listened. 

"My oldest sister Ramona has had four children and was one of the first to get into an arranged marriage. Her husband Rodrigo was against her teaching the children English.. he wanted to control them.. leave them defenseless." I said swallowing the lump in my throat.

Billie held my hand reassuring me everything was going to be alright. "They got into it bad a few days ago. Ramona left and came here last night. Billie he hurt them so bad.. How could I let this happen?" I asked her as tears filled my eyes. 

"Baby you didn't let anything happen to them if anything you got them out of this." She said hugging me. 

I took a deep breath and continued to explain. "They'll be staying here until I can find them a place to stay where Rodriguez  can't find them." I said as Billie nodded. "darling that's perfectly fine I'm so happy you get to be with your family again." She said with a smile. 

"I'm happy their here." I said with a grin as she wiped the tears I didn't know had fallen. "So the oldest of the four her name is Rosalie. She's fifteen. I've told her about you. She's ecstatic." I said with a laugh. 

"So am I your family seems great!" Billie responded. "They are. Then the second oldest of her children is the twins, Valentino, and Valentina. They're stuck together like glue and have a bond like no other." I expressed.

"The youngest is a little 2 year old trouble maker named Benjamin." I finished. "They sound amazing I can't wait to get to know them." She nodded getting more excited as time went on. 

"One last thing, not all of the children know English so there will be a lot more Italian in the house." I said. 

"good thing you look hot when speaking Italian then." She said with a smirk.

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