The Interview

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"Interviews...that means Rita Skeeter...just bloody perfect." Came Alexander's almost deflated voice, as the woman in question made her way towards the group of four champions. "My my, look at all of you. So handsome and strong, celebrities all of you...well, almost all of you." Rita's words struck a nerve with Fleur who went to say something, but found her hand had been snatched up by none other than Alex. This had actually caused the French girl to blush quite quickly, no boy had ever dared to take her hand...they'd all been interested in something very different from her. "She isn't worth it Fleur, believe me." He whispered softly into her ear, just loud enough for only her to hear, as he squeezed her hand gently...before relinquished his grip as Rita came back along the line. "Right! I think we will start with our resident Quidditch World Champion, and MVP of the final...come along dear. Let's get nice and cosy." She playfully teased, before beckoning the young Weasley to follow her. Was she...did she just flirt with him? He could've sworn she just...well fuck me. Without much of a choice, Alex followed Rita from a distance, as Fleur looked on at Rita with murder in her gaze. "I'll scorch that chienne!"

Meanwhile Rita made her way into a small cupboard not too far from their previous location, and opened the door up for Alex to enter first. Upon entering the cupboard, Alex found the space to be more than a little cramped and intimate. Especially when Rita barged her way in next to him, and shut the door behind her. "I hope you don't mine the lack of space, I find I work better in smaller allows me to get down and dirty with my subject. Now! On the topic of my subject." She pulled her enchanted notepad and quill out, and let it hover in the air before she started talking again. "Tell me about yourself, and please. Spare no detail." She looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to dish out his dirty little secrets...of course. Alex knew her game all too well, having listened to his Father berate the woman inside the family home. Having been reading another frivolous article about Harry Potter, and those associated with him. Well, he was about get his own back on the woman. He pulled his wand slowly out of his robes, and held it close to his body. Ready to have a bit of fun with the bitch.

"There's honestly not that much to tell. I'm one of eight children, there's me, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny. I nearly died as a baby, and despite the doctors and nurses telling my parents I wouldn't I am. I'm a damn good Quidditch player, and I plan on going pro once I'm done with school." The Quill wrote all this down furiously, as Rita pressed her body a little closer to Alexander's...making the Weasley more than a little uncomfortable. "I see I see. Do you love your family? I mean a large family like yours, I would assume you must have more than a few squabbles. So you must be on bad terms with one of them, in addition since you appear to be close to Mr Potter...well your whole family does. Do you think he cheated the Goblet, and put himself forward for this competition?" Alex took in that tidal wave of info, and frowned at the woman. Who was looking to drive a wedge between him, his family and Harry. "All families have their issues with one another, and ours is no exception. Difference is with us Ms Skeeter, is we work out our differences. You can't exactly say the same can you? After all, how long has it been since you last saw your twin sister?" That caught Rita off guard, as she visibly stepped back from the boy, a look of anger and disgust on her face. "In answer to your other question, I think Harry had nothing to do with entering himself in this competition, despite what you tell your readers."

The boy had touched a nerve with her, and now she was going to repay him in kind...oh she was going to make his life miserable. "How dare you. What happens between me and my sister has nothing to do with...who even told you no. I'm not even going to go there, as a matter of fact I've got another topic I want to discuss...the Veela slut that's competing in this competition. You two seem AWFULLY close, so what's the story there? Or should I go out on a limb, and say that she's charmed you with her stench and made you fall madly in love with her?!" That did it. Alex's eyes blazed with an anger that few had ever seen from him, as he pushed his magic out at an alarmingly high rate. Which of course, caused Rita to do a double take, as she instinctively stepped aside for him...'Merlin's Beard his magic is suffocating.' She thought to herself, as Alex stepped past her, and out of the cupboard...but not before wordlessly turning her notepad and quill into a pair of mini fireballs, completely destroying the interview they just had. But he would also inflict the Bat Bogey Hex upon her, with his wordless magic...after all. Who do you think taught that very same Hex to Ginny?

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