Rivalry Renewed.

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After leading Beauxbatons up to Hogwarts, and informing Dumbledore of their arrival, Alex was now sat back in the Great hall with his House, though everyone was talking about how he had walked out on Dumbledore. Their talking was interrupted however, when Dumbledore tapped upon his podium. "Students, and Professors. Our guests have arrived, now firstly I would like to introduce the students of Beauxbatons!" With his words spoken, the student of Beauxbatons made their way into the great hall elegantly and gracefully, catching the attention of all the male students around them. Which of course, caused all the girls to get jealous, and slap the arms of their boyfriends if they had one. After their introduction, the girls of Beauxbatons sat at the Ravenclaw table, which caused the other houses to get extremely jealous.

Though, two of the Beauxbatons students sat either side of Alex at the Gryffindor table. "Had a feeling you two would sit with me." Alex said softly, as Gabby sat on his right while Fleur sat on his left. "Of course, why would we sit with Ravenclaw, when we could just sit next to you?" Fleur said in that hot french accent of hers, whilst Gabby was just happy sitting with her sister and Alex. "Oi Alex! You gonna introduce us?" Fred and George perked up, causing Alex to roll his eyes at them. "Fleur, Gabrielle these are my brothers, Fred and George, though you probably guessed that. The other redhead there is Ron, and the Redhead girl is Ginny. Also my siblings....we're a big family. Then the one with bushy hair is Hermione, smartest witch in our school, and the one with glasses is Harry Potter." Fleur and Gabby introduced themselves to the group, before Dimbledore once again got the students attention. "Our other guests have arrived, so please join me in welcoming the students of  Durmstrang!"

The Durmstrang students then came storming into the Great hall, slamming their staffs down onto the floor, the last people to enter the hall, after one of the students breathed fire in front of Dumbledore, was Karkaroff the headmaster, but he was closely followed by an old enemy. Which made Alex stand from his seat, and look across at Krum. Who stopped for a moment, as the two young men stared holes into one another, before sharing a firm handshake, as Karkaroff moved Krum along and told him to sit with the Slytherin's. "Now that the schools are here, we can begin the explanation, on how we are to choose the three champions for the Tri-Wizard tournament." Dumbledore paused for a moment, looking across at the ministry officials, who nodded for him to continue. "Now, any student 17 years or older may enter. They need simply write their name on a piece of parchment, or whatever they desire and throw it into this. The Goblet of Fire!"

The officials pulled the cloth covering the Goblet off, and the fire began blazing once more. "Those that wish to enter, have until a week from tonight to place their names in. Once that is done, the Goblet will then choose those it deems worthy, of entering the tournament. Three champions, one per school. Aged 17 or over, and just to ensure no one younger attempts anything, I will be personally drawing an age line around it. With help from my fellow Headmaster from Durmstrang, and Headmistress from Beauxbatons. Now, it is time for the feast to officially begin." With that food magically appeared in front of everybody, and the students began devouring their feast. Before Alex could start though, Someone had tapped him on the shoulder, when Alex turned around he saw the large frame of Krum looking down over him. Alex chuckled lightly, and got up from his seat, and stared at the Star Seeker.

"T-That's...." Ron began, before he was slapped on the arm by Ginny, and immediately kept his mouth shut. "Something to say Viktor?" Krum looked at the Weasley with a competitive fire, before he slammed a piece of parchment into Alex's chest. "Enter. I'll prove Quidditch win was fluke." Ahh, so that's what it was. His homeland papers, must've ridiculed him for losing to a backup seeker, and the students of Durmstrang must've given him a hard time as well. Alex simply smiled and chuckled at Krum, who was quickly becoming agitated, as the whole of the Great Hall watched their exchange. "You know what Vikki?" He mused softly, causing the Gryffindor table besides Ron to burst into laughter. Which caused Krum to lose his cool, and send a fist towards Alex's face. Without batting an eye, Alex blocked the shot and placed the parchment on his table. "I will enter Krum, and I'll embarrass you....again." Despite their amicable exchange at what World Cup, which Krum seems to have forgotten about, the two young men, were now destined to be heated rivals inside the world of Quidditch and beyond.

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