~The beginning of the end~

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A year has past since the outbrake had first started, but a years worth of damage has took its toll on the world we use to thrive in. Little people live now adays, but the one that do live (if you could even call it living) are slowly being picked off by the brankies. There is little hope in are new world, but to the people who survive..... hope is all we have left.


Deep in the ruins of what used to be the dashing city of New York stood two 15 year kids crouching behind a blown up car trying to hide from the brankies that have come to rule the city. The girl was short about 5'6 with short curly hair that clung to her shoulders, her face was covered in dirt and dried blood, but you could clearly see her bright brown eyes that seemed to glisten as the sun hit them. The boy was taller than the girl by a few inches, but not much. The boy's dark brown hair was matted down with a worn out Yankees baseball cape that seemed to have been left in the rain so many times that the color has started to dwindle. The two siblings face were relaxed as they sat behind the car waiting for the right time to run.
"Are they gone yet my feet are starting to cramp up"the boy whined.
The girl wore a face of annoyance toward her brother but slowly stud up to look threw the broken window of the car. "Yeah the only ones left are thevers but they won't be a problem since there's only four of them" the brunette whispered back to her brother. The two slowly lift themselves off the ground caching the attention of the four thevers " run " " run " the two shared a glance before running off down the road.

Okay I know not that much but I promise their will be more.

- Millie

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