Incounter Ch.3

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//At the morning//

Lan Yuan is waiting at the other room when Lan Jingyi came up to him

"Where is mama and papa?" Ask Lan Jingyi

"Papa is doing his paperwork so Him and mama can't come with us" Lan Yuan explain

But all of a sudden.. Lan Jingyi blush like crazy..

"Did you say paperwork-" Ask Lan Jingyi and Lan Yuan nods

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"Did you say paperwork-" Ask Lan Jingyi and Lan Yuan nods..


"You kids go ahead, I'll finish the paperwork.." Lan Wangji explain

"Okay papa! How about you mama?" LAN Yuan ask

"I'll help your papa! So i can't come as well, but be careful and behave while you two are exploring okay?" Wei Wuxian said with a worried voice

"Don't worry mama! We will behave! Bye!" Lan Yuan said while smiling and get out of the room

//End of flashback//

"You okay?" Lan Yuan ask in a worried voice

"I-I'm okay! Let's just get going now!" Lan Jingyi said while still blushing

//After the paperwork (we all know it's not paperwork)//

//After the paperwork (we all know it's not paperwork)//

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"SIZHUI GET THE HELL BACK HERE!!" Lan Jingyi yells but Lan Yuan did not care and run more faster!

"YOU BASTARD IF I GET YOU I'LL CHOP YOU INTO PIECES AND FEED YOU TO THE PUPPETS!!" Lan Jingyi yells once again and that makes people look at them..

Lan Yuan notice it, he came near Lan Jingyi and smack him hard

"HE-" Lan Jingyi is about to yell when a lot of mens came near them, the twin is confused because their clothes look similar to them but the only difference is the color

"Sorry for the bother kids but did you say puppets?" One of the mens ask

"Shit-" Lan Jingyi said to himself, he knows he fuck up

"Ah, we did said that! We are young cultivation! And my brother here is afraid with the Puppets so i try to scary him!" Lan Jingyi explain and try not to sound it's a lie

"I see but it's not a joke, Puppets are dangerous! Please do not joke about it." The one scolded

"How do we end up being scolded?" Lan Yuan Said to himself and sigh

"Sorry Mr." The twin Apologize

"It's alright, but May i know where clan are you from? I'm just wondering" The man ask again

"Oh we are not part nor came in a clan" Lan Yuan explain and that make the mens surprise

"Is there something wrong?" Lan Jingyi ask

"A-ah no it's nothing, it's just you guys wear a very high quality clothes, and that mask you are wearing is made in the most high quality thing.." the man explain

"Alright then, we will get going now" Lan Yuan said and both of them Bow down

"We will get going too, sorry for the bother" the man apologize and walked away

"That man kinda look like papa" Lan Jingyi said while looking at the man

"He indeed look alike, should we informed mama and papa about this?" Lan Yuan ask

"Not for now but if the situation gets out of hand we will take care of it on our hands and ways" Lan Jingyi said with a dark smile, Lan Yuan has the same smile..

•||To be continued||•

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